9 - troubles

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Deku's pov

COOKIE CREAM OREO why on earth did Uraraka drink so much??!
I was dragging her to the door, far from Kacchan, thanks god I stopped her before she could say something dumb...

When we were almost out she pinned her feet and didn't want to come forward...

"Com'on Uraraka... outside there's less chaos" I turned to her and began to pull her arm to make her move, but doing this I bumped into someone, and I immediately turned around to apologise and...

"Hey hey, you really like to come on me, don't you?" I blushed immediately, looking at the person who was talking, Dabi.

"I-I'm very very sorry!! Ididn'tdoitonpurpose..."

"Don't worry, I was joking, anyway... how's it going?" I turned to Uraraka, then back to him.

"She's a little drunk and I was trying to take her out so she could breathe some air..." he looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"It seems like she's having fun, I think you can leave her unsupervised to have fun too" he smirked a little.

"Y-you sure...?"

"Yeah" with one hand he made me release my hold on Uraraka, and then he put his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind and making me feel super uncomfortable.

"What a-are you doing...?"

"Just dancing with you" he leaned a little down resting on my shoulder, brushing my collarbone with his head.

"I-I don't think it's-"

"What, sweetie?" I gasped feeling his breath on my neck, my heart was racing too fast to be normal, and it was beyond awkward.

"LEAVE DEKU ALONE YOU BLACK HAIRED THINGY" I jumped hearing Uraraka, and then being pulled out of Dabi's grip to be pulled into another's.


"Haha we are a bit jealous here..."

"You damn bast-"  I freed myself form the new hold, everything was starting to spin...

"Kacchan! W-we were just... dancing!"

"Oh my fucking god, didn't you notice he was flirting with you?!"

"It's..." sugar, I saw double "it's not worth it..." Kacchan was saying something else, but everything was so confused... I swayed a bit and then... fell.

Bakugou's POV

Kirishima came up to me just as soon as that nerd started dragging her friend away "Bro, is it snowing outside?"

I looked at him a bit confused "I... don't think so?"

He laughed and said "You're smiling! You're not even angry, what happened?" He then glanced at Deku and then back at me "Is it that guy you're hosting?"

"WHAT?! I obviously don't like that nerd!"

He laughed a bit "I never asked if you liked him, so, you actually like Midoriya?"


I was interrupted by a loud scream coming from behind me "LEAVE DEKU ALONE YOU BLACK HAIRED THINGY" I swiftly turned around to see Deku in that fucker's arms.

I ran towards Deku and grabbed him, pulling him towards me "You burnt meat- IF I STILL SEE YOU AROUND DEKU I'LL KILL YOU"

He smirked and said "Haha we are a bit jealous here huh..."

"You damn bast-" Deku spun away from my grap and looked at me.

"Kacchan! W-we were just... dancing!" Is he dumb? Can't he see what he's doing?! I told him he was dangerous, why doesn't he listen to me, ugh...

"Oh my fucking god, didn't you notice he was flirting with you?!"

He looked drowsy, almost as if he was about to fall asleep "Its... It's not worth it..."

"Deku, are you alright? You're really pale, do you-" He suddendly fell, but I managed to grab him before hitting the floor. I gave him to Iido, that friend of his, and then walked back to the black haired bastard "What the fuck did you do to him?"

He laughed a bit "I did nothing, he was the one who came into my arms"

"Don't joke around with me, tell me what you did to him or I'll blow you up"

"You want another beating like the one I gave you a couple of days ago?" He smirked again.

"I totally beat you back then, you were about to cry" Who does this fucker think he is?!

"Sure, whatever, I'm only here for the boy, I don't care about you" He walked towards Deku's friends, who in the meantime had sat him on a chair and were trying to wake him up. I grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

"Well WE aren't going to let you near the boy, so get out, you're not welcome here" I pushed him towards the door "You don't want me to get the guards, do you?"

He sighed and then started to walk out of the bar, he then turned his head back and smiled "You can keep him for now, but remember, I always get what I want"

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