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I placed the recipe on the countertop for Tommy to read. Muffins should be easy. '300 g of flour' Tommy picked up the bag of flour. Instead of opening it like any normal person, he stabbed it with a knife. "Uh oh" was all he said as the flour poured everywhere.

"Why would you do that?" I dragged my hand down my face.

"Well, how else do you open a bag of flour?" He started scooping it up with his hands and placing it onto the weighing scales.

"See we now have 300 grams." He plopped it into a mixing bowl.

"Yes, but there is flour everywhere and you didn't even sieve the flour."

"Does it make a difference?"

"Yes it does"

This was going to be a lot more difficult than I thought. God, has this child never cooked in his life? Eventually, we got the flour cleaned up.

"Can you crack two eggs into a cup for me?" I began to sieve the flour. On his first attempt, he completely missed the cup. On the second attempt, he dropped it on the floor.

"Do you want me to do it?" He nodded. "You can mix in the sugar and flour."

"What would you do if I threw this egg at you right now?" He had an evil little smirk on his face.

"You wouldn't..."

"Oh, I would."

I lunged at him in attempts to get the egg from his grasp. He escaped to the living room. "Don't you dare throw that in here," I warned but he pulled back his arm anyways. I ran back to the kitchen, he followed.

I turned as an egg came flying towards my head. Thank god his aim was off or he would have nailed me in the face. It crashed into the cabinet behind me.
"You fucking clean that up." As if flour everywhere wasn't enough. He just laughed.

What was supposed to be a 10-minute recipe turned into an hour... "Oh! Can we add chocolate chips?" Before I could answer he already poured a full bag of the chip into the mix. "Tom...that's too much..."

"You can never have too much." He poured the batter into tins. He did decent for his first time baking.

"You did good I'm proud of you." Just as I finished my sentence he threw a spoonful of the batter at my face. He burst out laughing as it struck me. "I take back what I just said..."

"We had extra batter what did you want to do with it?" He said still cracking up. While he was still laughing I picked up the extra bit of batter and threw it at him. It nailed him in the forehead. He stood stunned for a moment.


"Now we're even!"

"I'll get you for that."

"Oh yeah, go on then."

"Not right now... I need a plan"

"Yeah, sure..."

I put the muffins in the oven and set a timer for 20 minutes.


The timer set off alerting the muffins were done. "Oooo there done!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Yes, and they're hot, so don't touch." I placed the tray beside the window to allow them to cool quicker. "Wanna make icing?" I asked

"Hell yeah." He hopped over as I poured the sugar into a bowl. "Could I snort this?" I looked at him slightly concerned.

"I mean, I guess? But I wouldn't recommend it..."

"You know from experience?" He nudged my arm raising an eyebrow.

"If you're implying I do drugs I don't. Sugar isn't a fine powder it would just hurt your nose."

He eyed me suspiciously. "Just mix this, can you do that?"

"Of course, I can do that, I'm a big man."

I checked the muffins and they had cooled down enough for me to take them out of the tray. "Is this enough." Tommy showed me the icing.

"It's not thick enough, mix it more."

"This looks like something else if you know what I mean." He chuckled.

"I- Tom just keep stirring..." I pinched the bridge of my nose. He laughed to himself.

"Okay, looks good now. We can put it in a piping bag. Do you want to add dye?"

"Yeah! You got any red?"

"Sure do." I threw him the small bottle.
"Only add 3 drops otherwise it can mess up the taste." He followed my instructions then put it into the bag.

I iced the muffins and they looked pretty good. Tommy squeezed the extra icing into his mouth almost choking in the process.

"Did that taste nice," I asked sarcastically

"It did actually."

We each grabbed one and headed outside to the garden.

"Wow, these taste delicious." He spoke with his mouth full.

"Of course they're delicious, I made them."

"Me too, I helped!"

"All you did was make a giant mess!" I kidded.


We sat by the pond watching the fish. We ate some more muffins and sat in comfortable silence. The sun was setting and the sky was a beautiful mix of pink, orange, yellow and red.

"Y/n?" Tommy called from beside me.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"This is pretty random but y'know you're like a mother to me, I've always looked up to you. You've always taken care of me when I needed it. I'm so grateful to have you. That's why I'm so afraid of losing you. I don't know what I'd do without you. I know I have Wilbur but he's nothing compared to you, yeah he cares for me or at least he did at one point, but he never did the way you did. So you're kind of a motherly figure I'd say. "

I was left speechless. He saw me as a motherly figure? My heart melted. I never knew he saw me like that. It was really sweet to hear that. I threw my arm around his shoulder and pulled him into a side hug.

"Ever since my mother passed when I was a baby I never had anyone like her until I met you..."


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