Chapter 5 Part 1

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You wake up to the sound of Narcissa humming a song quietly while rubbing your back. "Ugh what time is it?" You ask sleepily. "It's 7:30 love" she says with a small laugh. "Why are you up so early?" You ask looking up to see Narcissa with a small smile on her face. "I'm always up early love. But If you would like we can stay in bed and cuddle for a bit longer." She says as she continues to rub your back. "Yes I would really like that." You say as your close your eyes hoping to fall back asleep for a bit longer.


You are awoken again by Narcissa gently shaking you. "Alright darling it's time to get out of bed." She says with a smile. "But I'm so comfy and warm." You say wrapping your arms around Narcissa waist and burying your face in her chest. "I know darling but we need to get up and be productive." She responds while laughing quietly. "Okay fine." You say as you get up from the bed and make your way to the bathroom. "I'm just going to take a quick shower and be out in a few minutes aright?" You say turning back to her. She just nods her head in response. Once you get in the shower you wash your hair with the shampoo and leave the conditioner in as you wash your body. Once you had finished and rinsed your hair for the last time you took one of the fluffy towels and wrapped your hair in one and dried yourself off with another. You look in the mirror as your finish tying one of the silk robes. As you look in the mirror you see the bruises that Lucius had left on your throat and legs. You begin to tear up as your run your hand over the marks. You don't hear the door open or Narcissa enter the bathroom and stop to look at the girl in front of her. She just stood there for a minute looking at you as you looked at yourself in the mirror. "Darling come with me, let's get you into some comfy clothes." She says as she makes her way over to you. "It's all my fault, none of this would have happened if I had just kept my mouth shut." You say looking at her with tears in your eyes. "Princess none of this is your fault, you tried your hardest to fight back, and you have been so brave throughout all of this. And in all honestly Lucius needed to be told off, I'm just sorry that I couldn't have protected you from him." She says as she wipes your tears away. "Don't blame yourself love, I know that you will always protect me." You say as you give her a kiss on the cheek. "Always and forever darling, now let's get you dressed and we can go downstairs." You nod your head as you take her hand and leave the bathroom.


You get dressed in a pair of black leggings and a dark green cropped shirt. Narcissa looks at you with sad eyes as you finish getting ready. "What is it Cissy?" You ask looking at her with a concerned expression on your face. "I just wish that you weren't hurting so much." She says as she walks over to you. At first you don't know what she means but after a few seconds it hits you. Your ribs had shown when you were getting dressed. "Oh Cissy, I'm alright I promise, I will try to get better but these things take time." You say as you take her face in your hands. She just leans into you. "I know darling and I want to help you in any way I can." She says as she kisses you on the forehead. You both stand there in a comfortable silence, you in Narcissa arms, till you break the silence. "Umm Cissy?" "What is is darling?" She asks looking at you. "I'm umm a bit cold, could I maybe have one of your jumpers?" You ask giving her puppy eyes. "Of course darling, come with me." She says as she takes your hand leading you into her closet. You stand at the entrance just looking around at all the clothes and shoes she has. "Here you go darling." She says handing you a black jumper with a green snake on one of the arms. "Oh I also wanted to give you one other thing." She says taking your hand once again leading you back over to her bed. "Now sit here and close your eyes." She says and you just giver her a questioning look. "Darling just be a good girl and do what I say, or you won't get any cuddles tonight." You quickly look at her with wide eyes for a minute then shut your eyes and cover them with your hands. You hear her steps become further away and your hear her open a drawer and take something out. Once she comes back, she sits on the bed with you and takes your hands from your eyes and tells you to keep your eyes closed. You do as she says, and you feel her put something in your hands. "Alright you can open your eyes now." She says. You open your eyes and look down to see an emerald green felt box in your hands. You look at her with questioning eyes. "Just open it darling." She says and you do just that. You look back down at the box and slowly open it to reveal a snake ring with diamonds and emeralds carefully placed in it. "Cissy I can't take this, this is one of your favorite rings." You say as you look at her. You remember that this was the ring that you played with the most you loved tracing over the delicate silver shape. "I know darling but I wanted to give it to you, because I have another one." She says as she pulls the matching one out of a matching box. Except this one was black with the same diamonds and emerald stones. "They are linked, so if you are ever in trouble and I'm not with you, just tap it twice and it will become a larger snake and it will come to me, because they are connected." She says, you took up at her and smile. "I absolutely love it, it's amazing, thank you so much." You say giving her a hug. "Of course darling, now let's go downstairs, were going out today." She says as she places the ring on your finger and wraps her arm around your waist. "Where are we going?" You ask looking at her. "That kitten is a surprise, but i promise you, that you will love it." She says as she kisses your cheek.


Hey guys and gays,

I know that I have not posted on this story in forever but here is the first part of this chapter I hope you guys like it.



Always and Forever (Narcissa Malfoy x Reader) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now