Chapter 5 Part 2

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Once you and Narcissa make your way downstairs and into the living room, she tells you to sit on one of the couches while she finds the house elf and makes sure everything is ready. You take a seat in a loveseat by the window and take out the book that you had been reading. "Alright darling I'm ready to go." She says walking back into the living room from the kitchen that was connected by a small hallway. You could see that she had a picnic basket in one hand and a small silk blindfold in the other. "Cissy why do you have a blindfold?" You ask, tilting your head. "Because kitten the place that we are going is a surprise and I don't want you peaking." She says as she makes her way over to you. She sets the basket down on the floor and looks up at you. "Do you trust me darling?" She asks with a small smirk on her face. "Of course sweetheart, more than you know." You respond and she smiles and blushes at the pet name you gave her. "Oh look who's flustered now." You say as a small smirk forms on your lips. "Oh shut it, now come over here and let me put this on you." She says referring to the blindfold in her hand. You nod your head as you take a few steps towards her. It is easy for her to put it on you because you are shorter than her. Quite a bit shorter actually about three to four inches shorter than her. Once the blindfold is on you make sure that she is still near you by putting your arms out. "I'm right here kitten, no need to worry." She says as she takes your hand in hers and picks up the basket that was on the floor beside her. " Are you ready darling, we are going to apparate. Is that alright?" She asks. You nod your head is response. "Kitten I need words. No are you okay with apparating?" She asks again is somewhat of a lower voice, which you find really attractive. You blush at the sound of her voice shifting down a key. "Y-yes Narcissa, I am okay with that." You say cursing at yourself for stuttering. She just laughs a bit at how flustered she made you. "Good girl, now I'm going to count to three and after that we will apparate, okay?" She tells you and asks to make sure that you were positive about this. "Okay." You say in response, as you grip her hand a bit tighter. "One, two three." You feel your stomach turn as you feel your feet leave the ground. 


"Kitten were here." She says as you finally feel the ground underneath you again. You slightly stumble into Narcissa, but she catches you and helps you steady yourself. "C-can I take the blindfold off now?" You ask hoping that you will be able to. " Yes, let me help you." She says as she places the basket on the ground. She comes behind you and unties the silk, letting it fall from your eyes. You give your eyes a minute to adjust to the light. Once your eyes have fully adjusted you can see that your are standing right next to a pond with a big willow tree. "Oh my god Cissy is absolutely beautiful." You say as you turn to hug her. "Oh princess, I'm so glad you like it. I was trying to find the perfect place for our first date." She says as she hugs you back. "Now let's sit and relax, I brought a blanket and a few different books that we could ready after we have lunch." She says. "That sounds wonderful Cissy thank you so much." "Of course kitten, anything for you." She says as she kisses you. 

You both sit and Narcissa helps you eat, she knew that it was going to be hard for you to get used to it again, but she was there. After some time of trying to fight her you finally gave up and she took you and places you on her lap with her arms wrapped around your waist, whispering encouraging words the whole time. Once you had eaten enough to Narcissa's liking she used magic to put the rest of the food back in the basket and took out a book. You and her were resting up against a big willow tree, who's branches were creating a type of shelter for the two of you. Narcissa was reading her book while you were reading yours. Once you had finished your book, you closed it and put it down next to you, and looked at Narcissa. You loves how focused she was while reading, how sometimes she would mouth some of the words, or her brows would furrow at interesting parts. Or how she would talk out loud to herself when she though something didn't make sense or if a character in the book did something stupid. You love how expressive she was about books. You didn't know that you were really staring at her till her eyes met yours. "What's so interesting kitten?" She asked as she set her book down next to her. You didn't say anything, you just moves closer to her and wrapped your arms around her waist and rested your head on her chest. "Your so cute." She says, now taking her turn to wrap her arms around your waist, pulling you close. You just blush and bury your face into her chest, not wanting her to see you flustered. "Aww is my little princess flustered?" She asks laughing a bit. "Shut up." You say like a kid who was embarrassed. "It's alright darling, it's quite cute." She said in a teasing way. "Cissy stop." You say laughing along with her. "I'm sorry darling, I'll stop now." She says as she kisses the top of your head. You both stay there for a few more hours just sitting in each others arms. 

Once the sun had finished setting Narcissa looked down to see you asleep on her. "My darling, you are the most beautiful girl, I know that you don't believe me, and I know that so many bad things have happened to you, but I promise from now on I will be here to protect you, and to listen to you when you need me most. I won't turn you away or shut you out like so many have done before. I wish that you never had to go through what you have, but you have survived it, just like you have many things before that. You are so strong, stronger that I could ever hope to be. You are my princess, you are my darling, I know that we have only met a little while ago but I feel like I have known you my whole life. I know that life can get tough and that it can feel like the world is beating you down, and that there is absolutely no escape but there is darling. I am your escape and you are mine. You are my light and I am yours. I love you more than words can even describe." She says as tears fall from her eyes. "I love you too Cissy." You say lifting your head up from her chest to look at her. "Oh, I thought that you were asleep." She says looking at you. "I know, but I want you to know, that I love you too, so much more that I have ever loved anyone else. And I will continue to love you till the end of time." You say kissing her. "Let's go home now darling, it's getting late." She says and you nod your head and you both head home. 


OMG guys I almost started crying as I wrote the last paragraph of this chapter and I am absolutely in love with it. But hey two chapters in one day, lucky you. 



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