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                                                                                         Ace Black

As she walks away, her vanilla scent still lingers the air. I have gotten a taste of her and I want more. Like a drug I will be addicted soon enough, just easing my way through the start. Soon I won't need to ease, it will come to me. Or make me come to it. Yet it won't be a chase, or creepy. Yea it was kind of weird of me to just run up to her and kiss her. I just couldn't help it. Her lips look soft, so sweet and plump.

Just so kissable.

I head out of the god for saken building and get in my car. Starting it up I head home. I am gonna need a shower, a cold one perhaps.

Once home I make my way up to my room and head to the shower. Turning it on and making sure it is cold enough, I hop in.


Oh how her lips would feel around my cock, her teeth slightly grazing while bobbing her head up and down. Shit, how it would feel to fuck that tight pussy of hers.

And there you go. I got a hard on in the middle of class.

I have been staring at Nova for most of the class, these vulgar thoughts invading my head. I couldn't even focus on my phone because I thought of how I didn't have her number. Then it all repeats to me staring at her and thinking very sexual things. Mostly about what I would do to her.

Oh how I would love to fuck her senseless

I wonder what she is thinking, what even goes on in that pretty little head of hers. Did she also have troubles focusing on school. Was she also horny as hell, no that is probably only me. I am always horny.


I couldn't focus in any of my morning classes, Maya wouldn't stop going on about how I didn't help her. She wouldn't leave me alone and always sat beside me.

Finally it was lunch and I could get rid of her.

I spotted Nova across the room looking around, stopping when her eyes catch me staring. I don't feel the need to look away so I just take in everything about her. Brown hair in a messy bun, ocean blue eyes, great body, and what looks to be abs?

Damn she must be fit, she looks in the direction of squealing girls and walks off.

Nova Storm

I sit down with the girls, all asking me questions from this morning.

"What happened?"

"Where did you go?"

"What did he say?"

All of that stuff, "uhm yeah he just said that I left something back in the office so I went back but got busy helping with like principle stuff." I let out an awkward cough when they look at me with a knowing look.

"Yeah you don't have to lie, nothing to be ashamed about." They all smirk and look at something behind me. I look back to see Ace staring straight at me.

I turn back to the girls and ask, "ashamed about what?" Olivia starts to chuckle lowly before starting, "listen he has a reputation, I get it, you don't want to admit it. You can sleep with my brother I don't care. Everyone does. Everyone here except me has slept with him."

I stare in shock, eyes wide, mouth hanging ajar. I burst out laughing while they all look at me like I am crazy. "You think... You think I slept with your brother." I yell out laughing even harder. Heads start to turn our way.

"Wait you didn't sleep with him?"

I drop to the ground laughing like a maniac. "Oh my god that is the funniest thing I have ever heard. I mean you just said my reason why I wouldn't, I don't get around like that anymore." I say getting up. "No god no, I will never sleep with Ace. I mean come on Ace of all people. Hell you don't even know me, and people still see me as a whore."

A wave of sadness and insecurity flash over me, "do I really look like a whore?" They all stare in shock as my mood switches up, quickly snapping out of it I smile and begin to eat. I clear my throat, "so uhm what kind of gossip do you guys got going on."

After that we all talk and eat until the bell rings signaling the end of lunch.

I get up throwing away my lunch and heading to my locker. I put my code in and reach to get my books when it gets slammed shut. I look over at an angry Maya.

"Who got your panties in a twist. You look like someone just pissed in your food, wouldn't be complaining if they did though." I start as I open my locker again, "anyways what you need pumpkin."

My locker is slammed once again by Maya who looks even more angry, "easy on the ears yeah?" She scoffs. "Shut the fuck up whore, heard your going back to your old ways. Starting off with Ace though, that was low." I stare at her in confusion, processing what she said.

I looked around then point to myself, "me?" She rolls her eyes then says, "yes you bitch who else. God you are stupid."

I stare in amusement as she goes on and on about me being a hoe, slowly shifting my eyes from her to our surroundings. Guess I am not the only one enjoying this. Before I can look back my head is whipped to the side and a stinging sensation is left on my left cheek. I look back to her smirking before I grab her hair and smash her head into the lockers.

I am done with this bitch pushing me around, so when she comes back to hit me I punch her in the stomach making her topple over before kneeing her in the face. She falls to the ground clutching her nose, as I get on and start to beat her to unconsciousness.

I get pulled off with two hands on my waist pulling me up as a couple people go to check on Maya. I thrash in their hold yelling for them to let me go. "calm down love." A familiar voice whispers in my ear. I turn around to be faced with Ace smirking.

"You aren't gonna beat me to unconsciousness to are you?" I scoff and turn to walk away but his grip on my waist tightens, "may I help you with something?" I ask as his signature smirk returns

"Yeah you can do something," he starts then his smirk changes to a scowl, " you need to leave this damn school and never return."

And with that he lets go and walks away.

Crossing The LineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora