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Stepping out of my car I find my dad's car and a unfamiliar SUV  in the driveway. I lock up and head inside, voices and glasses clinking echo from the kitchen. I head for the stairs before my name is called, "Nova come here and meet my new business partner." I groan and yell that I will be a sec.

Heading up to my room I set my stuff down and change into a yellow satin bodycon dress and nude strap heels. I make my way to the kitchen, seeing dad, evil stepmother, what I assume is the new boss, and Ace.

Wow this is just great.

"Oh Mario, this is my beautiful daughter Nova. She just moved back a week ago isn't that just great." My dad pulls me into a hug but I push him off and mumble under my breathe, "yeah well I didn't have a choice."

He must have caught that cause he grips my arm rather tightly. "Say Nova you look rather dolled up to be coming home from school," Catherine comments. Catherine is my stepmoms name. I clear my throat, "uh yeah well I am going out with a friend." 

I look up to see Ace glaring at me, and damn if looks could kill I would be six feet under. Catherine scoffs and my dad tightens his hold. I struggle to hold back a whimper and keep a blank face but his grip loosens when his boss speaks.

"Wow darlin', you look like you gonna have a fun time. I remember my days with sex and partying when I was young-" My dad cuts him off and his grip rather strong," oh Mario she hasn't had sex yet and she doesn't party. I would never raise a child like that would I sweetheart?"

He knows I have had my fair share of party's since he has had to bail me out after them, but he has yet to know about my whorish past. 

He see's me hesitate so he goes on, "right?" I swallow the lump in my throat to form a proper sentence. "Yeah right, right of course." Fuck I might have blew it.

Mario starts to laugh and I feel someone burning holes in the side of my head, I look to see Ace glaring at me again. Seriously what did I do. If it was him not being able to kiss me in the corridor that is his own damn fault.

I feel an arm draped around my shoulders and look up to see Mario looking down at me. He sends me a smile and I send one back.

"Okay Dave I like her, you got yourself a deal"


"Bitch we need some shots" I laugh at the girl in front of me.

Right now I am at this new club that opened up and I ran into a girl while dancing, turns out we are the same age and we hit it off right away. So that is how I am doing shots with a girl I just met after lying and saying I was with some friends.

"You sure are the life of the party, I like you." She giggles and turns back to me, she comes closer to hear better. "Lets just say I have had a lot to drink and I am never this fun," I laugh at the crazy girl in front of me and take my shot. "Well then lets go and use as much of your fun side as possible."

We both laugh, drink, and dance all night. Of course the occasional guy we make out with or hook up with. Yes I said hook up. We both did it in the VIP private rooms with these hot guys.

It is about two in the morning and we are walking back to my place since she is to shitfaced to go to hers. I get out my key and unlock my door. We are still giggling and telling each other to be quiet but other then that we are fine.

We make it up the stairs, only tripping once making us fall into fits and giggles. Opening my door I throw her a t-shirt and we both change.

We talk for a little while on my bed before passing out an hour later.


I wake up to the sound of banging on my door, " I swear to god Nova if there is a guy in there you are out of this house." Catherine yells. I groan and stumble out of bed. when the hell did I lock my door. I open up to see my very pissed of stepmom and a slightly confused dad.

"What the fuck do you want, it is to early for this shit. And easy on the ears Jesus." I mumble and climb back into bed. "It is two in the god damn afternoon, now where is the fucking guy." She storms in as I say, "what guy?"

She turns to me and smacks the bed. " The one you came in with at two in the morning, we heard you and we know you had sex because you guys were moving around a lot." I look at her like she has two heads, I laugh and clutch my stomach as she starts to turn red. "Oh my god I didn't bring a guy home it was my friend. She was too drunk so I brought her back here. And as for the moving well we had a pillow fight I think."

She looks annoyed and storms out. "Do you even know what you did last night?" My father asks in a disappointed tone. "Only the good stuff." I giggle at the memory of our foursome.

My dad leaves and Andy crawls out from the covers. "That was intense." She laughs a little, I look back at her and laugh along with her. "I know, welcome to my dramatic life. Oh and by the way you can never leave me." 

We talk for a little while longer and go down after we know everyone is gone.

Right now I am making my special hungover breakfast. It is omelet with sausage and bacon. Always does the trick.

*ding-dong* "I will get it!" Andy shouts before running out, "Uhm Nova there is a really hot guy at the door saying he needs to talk to you" I hear Andy yell.

I don't even know any hot guys.

I head out to the door and see someone I never thought I would see again,

what the hell is Jay doing here! Shit.

"Hey Andy do you mind if I talk to him alone?" She nods her head and walks off, I look back to see Jay smirking at me. "What the hell are you doing here Jay! You can't be here or you will get caught."

He lets out a bitter laugh, "oh princess I am not here to see you. My boss wants to meet you for god knows what, here" he hands me a letter. "He told me to give you this, it should have all the information you need. anyways I love seeing ya but I am on a tight schedule so ciao" With that he runs off.

I scoff and close the door, what could he possibly want with me.

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