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I smile as I look at my beautiful girlfriend sleeping in my arms. I still can't believe she said yes, it just doesn't feel real. I do feel bad about the timing of when I asked her, I just couldn't wait anymore. I mean I did have a plan on how to ask her and it was perfect. I guess I can show her how I actually wanted to ask her as a surprise, she will just love it.

I slip out of her hold and place a pillow in my previous spot. She snuggles right up to it which causes a smile to break out onto my face, so cute I thought.


I let out a heavy sigh as I finish up the last of my work, my girl is the only thing running through my mind at the moment. As if on que my beautiful girlfriend walks through my office doors looking all cute and tired. looks like someone just woke up.

She comes up and places herself on my lap and snuggles into me, "why weren't you here earlier?" Nova asks in a calming voice. I sigh and stuff my face into the crook of her neck, making Nova shiver a touch. I smirk and rub her thigh, "just had some work to do baby girl. Sorry I couldn't be here when you woke." I plant a kiss on her neck, lifting my head to look into her beautiful blue eyes.

She smiles at me and pecks my lips. "That's okay I was just wondering, what kind of work did you need to get done? You are looking kind of stressed." Nova says while adding a pout as she says the last part, I melt just looking at her. she is so beautiful even when not trying.

I chuckle and shake my head, "well I just had some things to deal with your father."


"Well I just had some things to deal with your father" Vincent says. I look at him skeptically, my father? Was this maybe why he was over earlier. "What business do you have with my father?" I ask with a slight frown.

I adjust myself so I am in a straddling position on Vincent. He groans and runs his hands across his face, "just some stupid deal he offered. I swear I didn't want to accept it, but I mean it isn't like we will go through with it. Plus it does good for the both of us and for our plan." I furrow my eyebrows at this, a frown etching my face. I tilt my head and question him, "and what exactly would this deal be?"

I wait patiently as Vincent looks at me pleadingly, finally giving up he tells me. "Your dad wants us to marry for business." My eyes go wide and body rigid. My breathing shallows as I think of how my father is practically selling me. "W-what?" Vincent holds me close to him, comforting me with his words and touch. "I swear baby we won't actually get married, but I did this to help with things. I mean you won't have to sneak out anymore, getting on your fathers good side will make it easier for the capture, and we get to spend plenty more time together." He says, easing some of my nerves.

I take a deep breath in and look at him. "What about all of the wedding parts, he won't hold it off forever." He looks in my eyes and smiles, "I will deal with that. You don't have to worry baby I have things under control." Vincent says, I nod my head at his words.

It isn't a bad plan, I mean I get to be with him a whole bunch more. I may be worried about the marriage part, but honestly even if we had to go through with it I wouldn't mind one bit.

I wrap my arms around his neck and place my head on his shoulder, I sigh and tighten my hold on him. "I trust you, but I swear if you mess this up-" he chuckles and kisses my temple. "Yes baby girl I know, but don't worry I wont mess anything up." I smile and snuggle into him more.

We pull up to my house and annoyance immediately replaces my happy demeanor. I glance back at Vincent to see him already looking at me, I smile and turn towards him. "Do I have to go? I mean I wouldn't mind continuing with our exciting weekend." I smirk seeing his eyes darken at the mention of our weekend together.

He pats his lap signaling for me to come over, and I oblige. I lift myself onto his lap and adjust till I am comfortable, smiling he places is hands on my thighs. "Baby girl I told you, I have work and you school. Your dad hasn't told you about the deals so you can't stay over on days like these, okay?" Vincent says, I nod in reply but keep my head down. A slight frown forms as I think about how long it will be till I see him again, longing for him growing stronger by the second.

He lifts my head, making me look him in the eyes while he talks. "Listen Nova, I will be back before you know it. Right as I come back I will come straight to see you, even if you are in school. I will miss you so much but I have to go to this, it will just be a little meeting so I wont be gone long. No longer than a week." Kissing my lips passionately, saying goodbye in a way. He pulls back and opens the door for me.

Grabbing my bag from the back he hands it to me and smiles sadly, "don't look at me like that baby. I will be back in a couple days. Now get your cute little butt into that house before you get sick." I smile and head into the house.

I stop in my tracks as I spot my dad and his bitch in the kitchen. I groan internally and try to sneak up the stairs undetected, but sadly not accomplishing the task. I roll my eyes as my step mothers voice echoes throughout the house, cringing slightly as her little squeal is added as always at the end.

Taking a deep breath in I turn around, faking a smile. "Yes dear step mother, how may I help you this fine evening." I say in a spiteful tone. She smirks and walks up to me, "well I just wanted to say that me and your father have something to talk to you about. Oh you will just love this, we have a surprise for you." I stare at her blankly, I mean I already know what it is they want to talk to me about anyways. She huffs out of anger and stomps out of the room, obviously upset of not getting a reaction out of me.

I roll my eyes, dramatic ass.

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