Incorrect Quotes #2

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A/N: Decided to do another one since as I said, I do have a lot of these saved up on a Word document. Again, some of these will be centered around specific AUs and ideas that haven't been written out or published yet. Most if not all quotes were founded on Tumblr, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google Images.

Sora: Scooby said "ruh roh." Shaggy said "zoinks." Velma said "Jinkies." And Daphne said "Jeepers." What did Fred say?
Skylar: Fred says fuck.
Sora: He did not!!! 

Cloud: You need to stop mixing Shakespearean English with modern English, it's confusing.
Skylar: I swear to the heavens, if't be true thee sayeth one more word, I'll yeet thee across this cubiculo.
Cloud: What the fuck.

Nami: God, give me patience.
Skylar: I think you mean give me strength.
Nami: If God gave me strength, you'd all be dead.

Sora: 5 AM. The witching hour.
Skylar: I could be wrong, but I believe that's midnight.
Sora: 5 AM. The Devil's hour.
Skylar: Nah I'm pretty sure that's 3 AM.
Sora: Well then it's just 5 AM and you need to go to bed. 

[Playing a game]
Nami: Prepare to feel bad about yourself!
Skylar: Jokes on you, I've been feeling bad about myself my whole life. 

[Under the Same Roof!AU]
Skylar: Do you care if I take the skin off the Furby?
Skylar: I want to make him a god. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin the path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us.
Skylar: Also I want Usopp to soft hack his circuits.
Nami: I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again. 

Skylar to Nami: You've got to stop yelling.
Skylar: It hurts my ears and my feelings. 

Skylar: Hello, Law, make anyone cry today?
Law: Sadly no, but it's only 4:30.

Skylar: Hey, hey, hey! Come see what I got!!
Cloud: [Walking over] I really, really don't want to.
Skylar: :33333333 

[Modern!AU, while exploring an abandoned house]
Luffy: In Scooby-Doo, secret tunnels are always behind shelves and stuff.
Skylar: Could we not base our decisions on what does and doesn't happen in episodes of Scooby-Doo? 

Skylar: I'm having boy troubles.
Cloud: Just remember, the quickest way to any man's heart is through the fourth and fifth rib. 

Skylar: Please, Law, understand that I am not emotionally involved in this situation.
Law: That's the nicest way someone has ever said "I don't give a fuck." 

Skylar: It's a bit muggy today outside.
Cloud: If I go outside and find all of our mugs on the front lawn, I'm literally going to kill you
Skylar: [Sips coffee from a bowl] 

Robin: Are you sure you're okay?
Skylar: Yeah, I'm absolutely okay
Nami: Are you sure? You asked me earlier if you could borrow some glue to hold yourself together. 

[In a Modern!AU]
Zoro: I'm home
Skylar: [Trying to be cute] Welcome back! Do you want lunch you want me?
Zoro: [Deciding he wants to be mean today] I'll have lunch.
Skylar: [Mumbles angrily] 

Skylar to Mihawk: [Jokingly] If I get sick of Zoro, can I return him to you?
Mihawk: Nope. No return policy. 

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