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Paul:"What are you smiling so much at?? Is my burger really that funny Paul??" His friend, Nept asked

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"What are you smiling so much at?? Is my burger really that funny Paul??" His friend, Nept asked. "I...What??" Paul answered, forced out of his daze. "What were you smiling about dude??" Nept asked. Paul blushed remembering a particular someone he had briefly met earlier this week still haunting his thoughts. "Umm...Nothing just about a scene from my favourite book." He replied. "Yeah and the reason you are blushing is cause the scene was ~steamy~?? Liar. Tell me the truth you lil peice of shit." Nept urged. "Damn you know me too well, Nept. I was umm..thinking bout a woman i met earlier in corridor this week." He said shyly. "Oohhhh so our little fishy has a crush it seems~" Nept said in a sing song voice. "I- I- W-What?? No- I dont have a crush Nept, hell I only know her name man." Paul said stuttering and blushing. "Sure whatever you say man." Nept said shrugging. "Tho who is she?? Tell me aaall about it bro." "Well..."
She couldnt get the meeting with Paul out of her head. This was so annoying!! She wasnt a teenager developing a crush!! For gods sake she even had a 14 year old boy- She sighed...Her english literature lectures were so hard! She had to write a book anyalisis on a book she hadnt even heard of before.. She had borrowed it and was flipping through it when once again, she felt herself crash into a wall. But this time a firm set of hands caught her from behind and saved her from damaging her butt second time in the last week. A low chuckle sounded from behind. "You really never look where you are going do you?? She whipped her head around to find it inches within of the very face that wouldnt leave her mind. "Paul!!" She exclaimed.

New Love                                       SallyJackson × Paul Blofis (Saul)Where stories live. Discover now