Happy 30th Anniversary Sonic The Hedgehog

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The Nintega Guy: You know as much as Green Hill get's old once in awhile, I must admit that it does indeed give such big nostalgia from 1991

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The Nintega Guy: You know as much as Green Hill get's old once in awhile, I must admit that it does indeed give such big nostalgia from 1991.

Sonic: You kiddin'? This place never get's old for me. Long after that big war with Eggman, my favorite running spots have been restored.

Tails: And even so, coming back here also gives me weird memories from when you and I met in Emerald Hill Zone, Sonic.

Sonic: Heh, you got that right little buddy. You were my best friend then and always will be when it comes to kicking Eggman's butt and even times like now.

Tails: Aw, thanks Sonic.

Knuckles: Hey! You just going to ignore me?! I'm a big part in this too you know!

Sonic: . . .You're a close second. Mainly because you're both slow and slow-minded. . .

Knuckles glares at Sonic.

Knuckles: What was that?!

Sonic: You know it's true. You get duped by Egghead every now and then from guarding the Master Emerald. From the time we met on Angel Island, to the time you gave Eggman the emeralds to help Chaos, or even the time you were called into the Starlight Carnival.

Tails: Technically, it was Rouge who called Knuckles there.

Sonic: Oh. . . Well, same difference. 

Knuckles: Did you make me come here just so I can knock you out?

Sonic: *smirks* Maybe. . . You easily get tired anyway.

Knuckles get's even angrier as he balls up his fists.

Knuckles: Say that again! I'll show you how tired I am!

Tails: STOP IT! We can't be fighting on our anniversary!

The Nintega Guy: Tails is right you guys. Break it up.

Knuckles: He started it.

Tails: So, Nintega. . . What is your favorite Sonic game?

Sonic: Yeah, I'm curious as well.

The Nintega Guy: The first Sonic that I've ever played was Sonic Colors and it's still my favorite game to this day.

Sonic: Eggman's Interstellar Amusement Park was indeed a fun ride. And we even got to meet the wisps too. I hope Yacker doing okay.

Tails: I'm sure he is. I mean the wisps live here in Mobius now too ever since we saved them from the Lost Hex.

The Nintega Guy: That was the time you guys met those Zeti, right?

Sonic: Yeah, had to beat Zavok and his gang. Kind of also one of my embarrassing moments since I not only had to team up with Eggman, but I got cocky. . . twice.

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