Great News + New Drawing Style

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The Nintega Guy: Well, everybody! Looks like we've gotten quite the pieces made by several of my fans as I thank ALL of you for not only being with me for the Hero of Equestria, but supporting me with such great fan art pieces too.

Neptune: Why do we have to see over and over again art of Sparknerd! I want fan art of Legend of the Male CPU!

The Nintega Guy: You'll get yours, Nep!

Twilight Sparkle: And the statistics clearly show that I'M a more viable character than you.

Neptune: *gasps* I take great offense to that!

Sonic: Well, honestly. . . so are we. Out of all of us, you're ranked the lowest in terms of fanart made for Nintega, Nep.

Neptune: Joker doesn't have any!

Joker: Being in a picture counts my friend.

Mario: And it's-a all the more enjoyable to see Nintega or anybody else make some masterpieces for-a the six of us.

The Nintega Guy: Right. I mean even I was drawn in some artwork from others and I didn't see that coming. Who knows? Maybe we'll get more of us in the future. . . and Nep, I swear to god if you go out and annoy someone to make art of you, I will take away your yearly supply of pudding.

Neptune sticks her tongue out at Nintega who rolls his eyes.

The Nintega Guy: Anyways. . . I have something else to announce.

Neptune: Retirement?!

The Nintega Guy: Hell no!

Twilight Sparkle: What sense would it make for him to quit after 5 seasons??

The Nintega Guy: Thank you, Twi. As I was ATTEMPTING to say. . . I have a brand new iPad that I'm able to use Photoshop on. . . and this means that I'll be able to create much better drawings than what I've already made so far!

Joker: Really? They're that much better?

The Nintega Guy: Maybe not Yusuke level art, but I can still call them masterpieces. Check these out.

 Check these out

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The Nintega Guy

The Nintega Guy

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