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The Nintega Guy: Happy 1 decade Neptune.

Neptune: Heh heh heh, thanks Nintega. It was nice for us all to have a big party today huh?

The Nintega Guy: Yeah, speaking of which where are the other CPU's?

Noire, Blanc, and Vert then enter the room.

Vert: No need to be impatient Nintega we're here?

Blanc: 10 years. . . that a long way for all of us. I have to admit it.

Noire: Well I mean we have went on so many adventures together. If anything the fans are more glad to see us and play our games.

The Nintega Guy: You said it, Noire! Spoken like the favorite character that I love to this day.

Noire: I-I-I mean. . . it's not like I'm glad to see you happy Nintega. I was just saying that we're a big deal.

Neptune: Sure you were, Lonely Heart~!

Noire: Quit calling me that, Neptune!

Neptune: Why? You know you love it, Noire.

Noire: Grrr. . .

Blanc: Same old, same old.

The Nintega Guy: And we can never forget it.

Vert: If my gaming calculations are correct, we seem to have had 14 games, 4 remakes, 3 apps, 1 anime, 2 OVAs, 3 Mangas, and so many crossovers from Date a Live all the way to Azur Lane.

The Nintega Guy: Wow. . . Vert, next time we meet can I see all of your 4 Goddesses Online games and some of your manga?

Vert: Of course. I'd always like the company Nintega. Speaking of it, where's my sweet Nepgear?

Neptune: Vert! She's my Nep-Jr! No boobie time today!

Vert: What if I gave you pudding?

Neptune: Ha ha! Nice try bucko, but apparently I had someone already bring some pudding for me today for the anniversary party?

Noire: You didn't get who I think you got. . .?

Blanc: It's Neptune. . . what did you expect?

The CPU Candidates then appear.

Nepgear: Neptune, don't start the party without us.

Neptune: Nepgear! Finally! What took you so long?

Nepgear: Well. . . me and the other Candidates decided to chat a bit about the anniversary party before coming here. . . and also I had to help Histoire a little with the party decorations.

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