Ethans Bad Side Effects

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Heisenberg was in front of the bathroom door Donna then walked up to heisenberg wiht Angie in her arms "hey why are you blocking the rest room buddy?" Angie asked confused "ethan is... Having a trow up and he says that  he need someone to not go I side the smell is horrible and... It almost you know" he said as he then makes an chockign expression "ohh I see I'll go tell"

"NO that over sized bitch and that LITTLE moronic freak doesn't need to know especially Ethans kid" heisenberg growled out agreesivly "ok ok yeesh filthy dog!"  asfie said but heisenberg just turned to the door not caring about he insult "ethan are you OK now?? Can I open the door?" heisenberg asked "yes!" ethan said as heisenberg then opened the door to see that blood was coming from the forehead and ther was blood dripping on the wall and the toilet was filled wiht black ooz "ETHAN ARE YOU OK?!" heisenberg yelled in concert running up to ethan holding Ethans bloody forehead realizing that where the blood was coming from he then turned to Angie and Donna and was doign nothing "DONT JSUT STAND THERE GRABD THE FUCKING BANDAGES!!!" heisne yelled with angry as Donna then ran and came back wiht the bandages karl then snatched them and wrapped it around ehtna bleeding forehead "are you feeling better now?" heisenberg asked as ethan then nodded as he then was picked up by heisenberg beign carried bridal style "aww" Angie said as heisenberg jsut growled at Angie and jsut stormed off and took ethan to his room

[done hope ya like it bye bye Amma go 'yeets to the next story' ]

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