More Headcanons Of Heisenberg And Ethan As A Couple

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Reason why I made this chapter: idk and because I jsut want to show SOEM of my Headcanons for this ship

Heandcanon1: heisenberg tends to get the habit of constantly growling for no reason at all

Headcanon2: karl tends to pur like a literally vehicle and this tends to make Ethans uncomfortable whenever heisenberg lays in ethans lap

Heandcanon3: heisenberg can be easy to make jelouse out of and sometiems loves having all Ethans attention

Headcanon4: the fact that heisenberg is like an inch shorter then Ethans it a bit og a surprise that he can stu concure over Ethan

Headcanon5: ethan actually has a robot part on both his pinky and ring finger thanks to heisenberg

Headcanon6: Ethan has played action games before so he kind of does have some experience with the gun

Heandcanon7: Ethan kind of Has the habit of using the guns shto sounds as a trigger warning when no isn't paying attention to him when he is talking

Headcanon8: ethan will not hesitate to slap or even kick heisenberg right at the face if heisenberg says a swear word or even smokes infront of rose

Headcanon9: heisenberg doesn't actually consider the concequences if someone dares to hurt or even Bully rose and doesn't actually care if he gets caught doing it

Tats all fokes pls comment on who should I do next Donna or alcina demitrescu bye

the four lords with the father and child |resident evil:villageTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon