(no Title Why CUS I Have No Idea)

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It was complete awkward silence as all the lords eyes were all on chris "what?" Chris ask awkwardly "nothing just want to know who are you" heisenberg said "and how did you get to my stupid brothers factory un detected!" alcina said "hey! I was busy ya over size titty bitch what's have you been doing HUH?!?!"  heisenberg yelled out replying to the insult fomr alcina

"Oh QUIET you irresponsible fool!" alcina said rolling her eyes "oh I'll show you how irresponsible YOU are when I get the chance eot destroy your castle wiht mothers mirendas body in it" heisenberg said under his breath and no one heard it "so... Um.... Where is rose? And Ethan?" Chris asked "and why would you want to know?" alcina said turning to Chris "and how did you know about baby rose?" Angie asked being held by Donna who is pretty much silent through out this conversation "does the obvious reason why he decided to bardge in MY factory just to 'save' ethan explain your mindless freak brain?" heisenberg said in rude attitude as alcin then turned to heisenberg abotu to attack "OH QUIET YOU-.... Ugh your lucky that mother Miranda still wants you alive" alcina said giving in befor evne having a chance to even give heisenberg a scratch "well I know ethan now can you tell me where he is? It's been a long tiem sicne I have seen him" Chris said "well just letting you man-thing know ethan winters is just with rosemary" alcina said as heisenberg rolled his eyes as he then left "so... Um... Now what karl is gone so... Now?" moraue asked as done sighed as Angie then start to talk shit about Heisenberg "8 bet he is probably goign to his crUsH EtHaN" Angie said as everyones eyes were now at her "what?" Angie said "why the hell is heisenberg KARL HEISENBERG in love wiht ethan winters the first thing that gets in your brittle ass head?" Chris asked "OK rude!" Angie said obviously offended by chris's question "but to answer the question Donna did purposed ethan for heisenberg" Angie said as Donna nodded ".... Ok..... Nevermind" chris said nto wanting to go further "hey guy oh hey Chris" ethan said waving to Chris as Chris just waved back

[alright! That's all hope ya like it and pls vote anc pls comments on some ideas but don't make them to extreme bye owo]

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