Some Shorts Senarios

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Senario 1: karl was eating some fudge cake that Ethans made for a snack until rose showed up and asked for some and heisenberg said no and rose was about to cry and Karl HAD to give rose some fudge cake

Senario 2: alcina left karl wiht her daughters and come back to see that karl kept them in a a jar who he is shaking

Senario 3: rose pays a vissit to Donna who wants to show her the baby but rose ends up terrafied and never want sto go to Donna's house ever again (poor rose)

Senario 4: rose was beign thought how to save someone in moraues pool and karl accidentally fill form the boat and rose came to save him who was alsmot about to drown since karl has never touched the water befor

Senario 5: rose starts to play wiht the lycans who wanted to eat rose but all they get is death glares form heisenberg so they had no choice but to play along wiht roses play time just so that they dotn get killed

Senario 6: rose wants to play doctors wiht the lords and Ethan so they do it and it was Ethans turns to become the nurse and karl jaw dropped and his nose actually bleeding and he fainted so he ended up having actually nursing care

Senario 7: alcina was emberassing the shit out of karl bye showing Ethans some videos of what he was like when he was younger and karl was almost at the urdge to break almost everything

And that's all folke PLEAS make SOEM ideas for meh this sires already drying

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