Scenarios W/roses Friends

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Senario1: at SOME POINT bendil did talk back to either of the lords and it may or may not have cause some chaos

Senario2: henna admitted she was lesbian and talked abotu her liking for women and Alcina couldn't agree more

Senario3: the Demitrescu dauthers have met and it ended up becoming a war for roses friendship but they ended up I good terms anyways

Senario4: ethan approves of roses friendship of her with bendil but karl doesn't because of the fact that bendil is an ex friend of the Bullies

Senario5: bendil being a scary cat he never lieks gogin inside houses because of beign aware of how dangerous the places are

Senarios6: they all have a privet party in places near by the home due to some restrictions form the lords

Senario7: the trio goes to the Duke to go and grab supplied

Senario8: at some point karl did purr like a cat when ever he lays on Ethans and it tends to go a big bad

Senario9: alcina is so single and isn't kind of planing on Dateing anyone

the four lords with the father and child |resident evil:villageWhere stories live. Discover now