Rose And Her Friends Going On A "little Adventure"

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Ethan and rose were talking and having there father and daughter hangout as rose was talkign abotu her little stories she has been thi kign while reading some books about romance

"and then Julian will thne have to put a 4 digital code in order to get his lover back to h-"

She was then cutted off short by some knocking "hey girl?? ya there?" rose instantly recognized that vocie and she rushed up and opened it befor her Firend was abotu to bang on the door "hii bestie!" roses friends yeeped as she then excitedly hugged rose wihtout any warning "H-Hanna! Wh-what are you doign here?!" rose asked din surprise "well you see me and bendil over heard that you were goign to go out on an little adventure! And as your besties we packed our stuff and we came to let ya know that we are coming!" henna said "w-wow t-thanks!" rose said as she was actually grateful that she gets to spend more time with her Firends "why HELLOE henna" ethan said wavign at henna who then Aves back with a greet "anyways where is bendil?" rose asked "oh bendil beign the little scary cat he is he decides to stay back to the palce where theos bugs guys talk in" henna answered as rose jsut chuckled "you guys are goign early right?" Ethans asked as rose and henna nodded "well rose come here" ethan said as ros ethne went to her father as ethan then handed her a knife and a a gun wiht lots of bullets "sweetie you may say your goign to be fine but as your father I want to at least know that you are safe so take this and make sure you go to the duke and let him know and ask him for some supplies ok?" ethan said as rose then nodded and hugged him "bye dad!" rose said as bother henna and her then ran up to outside

And as they got out they saw heisenberg roses second father and alcina inspecting bendil looking at him up and down giving him a very unwelcoming arura with the lycans just there some growling some not and some that are confused "so this is the man-thin the rosemary is friends with huh?" alcina asked facing to karl then bendil "yep that him and listen here bendy or what ever the shit you name is" kalr said shottign a dead glare at bendil who is now scared "you better not be doign any shit to rose while you ar heaving your little Adventure" kalr said "dad dotn scare my friend like that" rose said as karl jsut sighed but alcina jsut make a bloddy scary glare at him "you do auntie alcina" rose asked alcina scoffed and walked away "so you guys are going now?" karl said lifting up his hammer "yes Mr heisenberg" henna said

"rosey befor you go I want you to know that you know that i won't let you go alone with two irresponsible teenagers" karl said "hey!" henna said taking offense to that with bendil who jsut said nothing due to fearing for his life

"ugh anyways I will have at least 1 or 2 lycans follow you so if you see two golden eyes watching you and following you remember that they are the lycans I sent to keep you form ever getting harmed and make sure you act mature when soemthign crazy happens ok?" karl said as rose nodded

"good to heard  and also dotn forget out lycan calling when things are getting out of hand and take this" karl said as he then hands rose zomethgi. That cna be putted on her neck that looks kidn of similar to Karl as rose then nodded nodded putting it on as rose, henna and bendil the rushed off the wild

[and that! Is all for now I will make a part 2 or 3 or 4 of this but for now it will be cliffhanged so ya I will go bakc for more Headcanons and mroe scenarios for now so ya bye bye]

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