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I don't love you anymore
A pretty line that I adore
Five words that I've heard before'Cause you keep me on a rope
And tied a noose around my throat


Taehyung woke up when he heard the bedroom door opening. As soon as he saw Jungkook entering the room, he covered himself with the blanket and started crying again.

"Baby," The alpha spoke softly after keeping the ointment on the table and sitting next to the omega's covered frame. He grabbed the blanket and tugged on it, signalling the omega to come out.

"Please come out, alpha wants to see his beautiful mate," He whispered with a smile which made Taehyung to loosen his grip on the blanket, therefore, resulting in Jungkook getting rid of the blanket.

Still scared of the male infront of him, he didn't stop crying which made the alpha frown. He grabbed the omega and placed him on his lap. Taehyung was caught off guard so he let out a small shriek and clawed onto Jungkook's arms. The alpha being unbothered tucked the omega's head on his shoulder and started to remove the pieces of wax that were still attached onto Taehyung's skin.


"Sorry, I will be careful," Jungkook spoke before placing a kiss onto the omega's shoulder. After removing the wax, he grabbed the ointment from the table and applied a thin layer of the it on the burn.

"Do you want to take any medicine for the pain? I can get some pain relievers." Jungkook said as he carefully placed the omega next to him. Taehyung just replied with a nod as his face was covered with tears.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung for a few minutes before laying his head on Taehyung's lap and hugging his waist.

"Are you mad at me? Why don't you look at me with love? Hmm?"

Taehyung was taken aback by the sudden interrogation. He just gulped and remained quiet because he didn't know what will offend the alpha. Jungkook looked up at Taehyung who was looking at the side as he was afraid to face the alpha.

The alpha frowned before childishly swinging his legs and chanting "tell me~" while poking the omega's face.

"tell you what?" Taehyung finally snapped as he continued, " You expect me to look at you with love while you treat me like a pet?! I am YOUR mate alpha! I don't deserve to be treated like this! I have never done anything to you then why are you treating me like I am your slave?!" he broke down into tears again.

"I never treated you like a slave. I just punished you because you deserved it. Punishments are important and you can do the same with me too, I don't mind."

"He is definitely not okay." Taehyung thought as he looked at Jungkook in disbelief.

"Don't worry my omega, I will bring some food for you to eat so that you can take the meds and maybe after that you will feel better and stop crying." He smiled at Taehyung before patting his head and going out of the room to bring something for Taehyung to eat. Taehyung noticed that Jungkook locked the door after exiting the room.

"What is wrong with him! I cant live like this!" He screamed out due to frustration and tugged onto his hair.

"I have to get out of here."


sorry for the late update :" I love you guys so much! thank you for reading this book. you guys motivate me through your beautiful comments. im so thankful to have you guys!

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