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"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt.

* * *

"Now I feel like I've ruined everything," Louise spoke down the phone to her closest friend and colleague, Georgie Jones.

It was early in the morning, the day after meeting with him; Spencer. Louise had felt harshly embarrassed about how she left him sat alone, walking out the coffee shop, feeling like a burden.

Louise propped her hand on top of her kitchen countertop, eyes looking out of a window into the early morning, fingernails tapping against the tops as she spoke to her friend.
"You haven't ruined anything," Georgie chuckled, "you're just feeling bad for leaving him sat alone like that. I know you, Louise, you'd never hurt anyone with rude intentions."

The girl was right; for Louise had never intentionally or purposely been rude to any of her friends, she had always been the sucker to stay out of arguments, or just to walk away when things became heated.
It was one thing Louise hated; anger. She hated how anger turned people into monsters at times, and she hated when her friends or family used to argue - for it stresses her out to the maximum.

Louise sighed down the phone, "I know..." she bit her lip softly, "but I genuinely feel like an idiot for just walking off. God, I bet he thinks I'm a dick!"
She could hear Georgie's laugh echo from down the phone, ringing into her ear as even her own chuckle arose.

"You're not a dick," Georgie managed through gasps of air, "I can assure you."
Louise smiled, "yeah, well, he probably thinks that what I done was a bit rude of me," she paused, "no, I'm definitely a dick."
Georgie chuckled and hummed, "keep telling yourself that!" she grinned down the phone, "but it won't change my mind."

Louise opened her mouth to speak, but an abrupt knock were heard at her front door. She furrowed her brows, looking at her watch to only read six-in-the-morning; who on Earth would be knocking at this time of the morning. She sighed and shifted from one foot to the other.

"I'll call you back," Louise told Georgie, almost instantly hanging up her phone and shoving it into the back pocket of her tight fit jeans. She walked towards her front door, looking down at her simple outfit as she padded along her wooden floorboards; seeing as she wore a long sleeve vest, overlapped by an oversized shirt and skin tight jeans - for they melded around her legs in an almost perfect fit.

Louise reached the front door, and using both hands, she unlocked it with a click and pulled at the doorknob.
With a creak, the door jarred opens; revealing a tall figure.
Louise hitched her breath, seeing as the familiar face of Spencer stood opposite her.

Spencer's hair was slightly wet and shaggy from the rain outside, the suit jacket he wore sported slight spots of raindrops; and his tie sat offside - the cane in his hand was propped on the floor sturdily, Louise seeing clearly as he shifted all his weight onto it.
His face; his face wore slight purple bags under his eyes, rosy lips that seemed soft to kiss. The chocolate brown eyes of his stared worriedly into Louise's hazel ones.

"Spencer?" Louise breathed out, opening the front door wide open, feeling her stomach churn as butterflies swirled around. She flicked her eyes down to his hand, seeing as he held a tray; a tray that contained two takeaway coffee cups.

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