Chapter 2 ~ She Will Be Loved

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Finn sits in the living room of the apartment he shares with Quinn. She's explaining how their wedding that doesn't take place for another couple of months is going to be set out.

The phone rings and Quinn answers it. Finn doesn't hear the conversation that happens on the phone since his mind is focused on a certain brunette who has just returned but Quinn has an expression of joy and stress as she hungs up.

"What's up?" Finn asks.

"Our wedding has to be brought ahead. The venue was actually booked for our wedding in 2 months. Looks like I'll be Mrs Hudson in 2 months. Better resend those invites." Quinn says, happily clapping her hands together.

Finn groans and leans his head back on the chair. Things were getting worse and worse for him.


He went for his morning like usual the next day but this time he had to drop off invites to the Hudson-Fabray wedding so he carried them all in his backpack.

"Finn!" Someone calls out from down the footpath behind him. He turns around and sees Rachel sprinting up to him. She's in tight running gear and looks super hot. Finn has to erase all the dirty thoughts running through his mind. They start walking together.

"Hey Rachel." Finn says.

"What's in the backpack?" Rachel asks.

"Invites," Finn opens up the bag and he passes Rachel two invites for the wedding, "Ones for your dads'. You can bring a guest like your boyfriend Brody." Finn starts to jog off.

"Finn! He's not my boyfriend!" Rachel calls out but he's gone off. She runs to catch up with him. He's got his earphones in so he won't hear a word she says.


Rachel sits in her room crying. 2 months from now is the wedding of the man she loves to some bitch. She has to leave as soon as possible. Maybe she could date Brody but he'll never be another Finn.

She can't bear to be in Lima anymore. It's just too painful for her to be here anymore. Finn seems happy about marrying Quinn now so she has to leave. She calls Kurt.

"Hello. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel here. Who is calling?" Kurt answers.

"It's Rachel. I have to go back to New York." Rachel sobs into the phone.

"Why?" Kurt asks.

"I saw inn this morning. He gave me the invite to his wedding. I've been crying for ages." Rachel says.

"Did he looke happy giving you the invite?" Kurt asks.

"No. He thinks Brody is my boyfriend." Rachel says.

"I'll set him straight," Kurt says, "Why don't we go and watch the local theatre's performance of Grease tonight? Apparently it's going to be amazing."

"You've been designing the outfits haven't you and Blaine's in it, isn't he?" Rachel asks.

"He's Teen Angel." Kurt says.

"Why not Danny?" Rachel asks.

"Some guy named Jake wanted to be Danny so he could kiss his girlfriend Marley who's playing Sandy." Kurt explains.

"I'll see you tonight." Rachel says and hangs up.

Kurt hangs up with a smile. The first step in his evil plan is in action.


Finn sat in the kitchen of his parents' place. Etched in his mind is the look on Rachel's face when he passes her the new invite to his wedding. She looked shocked and saddened. She's probably not going to come. She can go live a happy life in New York with Brody. A couple of tears fall down Finn's cheeks.

"Finn?" A voice asks from behind him.

Finn turns to see Kurt and looks away to so he can wipe his eyes, "What do you want, Kurt?"

"What's wrong with you?" Kurt asks, taking a seat next to his step brother.

"Rachel's dating someone else and I don't like it."

"She's not dating anyone. Brody is just her co-star who has an obsessive crsh on her."

"How do you know that?"

"I'm one of her best friends and I trust her."

"I should too, shouldn't I?" Finn asks.

"Yea." Kurt says.

Finn sighs.

Kurt smiles, "Why don't you come with me tonight to see the local theatre's performance of Grease? I know you love that musical." Kurt says.

"I do love Grease." Finn says.

"It's apparently gonna be good." Kurt says.

"Blaine's in it, isn't he?" Finn asks.

Kurt grins, "Yup."

"It'll be like a bro's night." Finn says. He goes into the living room.

This was the second step of Kurt's plan to get Finn and Rachel happy together then cancel the Hudson-Fabray wedding.


Thanks for Reading!

Kurt can be evil, can't he?

Next Chapter: Finn and Rachel go to see Grease with Kurt without knowing the others going to be there. Will it work out fine?



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