Chapter 10 ~ Lucky

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Final chapter!


Both Finn and Rachel went pass their 25th birthdays not married but they were together as a couple in love. Marriage will be in the future for both of them one day but for now, they're just enjoying the being in love couple phase.
Finn moved to New York with Rachel and now live with her and Santana. Kurt and Blaine also moved to New York in the apartment next to Rachel, Finn and Santana's.
Now all 5 of them are back in Lima for the Puckerman-Fabray wedding.
"Do you, Lucy Quinn Fabray take this man to be your lawfully wedding husband?" The priest asks.
"I do." Quinn says, grinning at Puck.
"Do you, Noah 'Puck' Puckerman take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asks.
"Heck yea I do." Puck says, smirking.
"The rings please?" The priest asks.
Finn, being the best man passes the ring for Quinn while Kitty, being the maid of honour passes Quinn the ring for Puck.
Quinn and Puck place the rings on the others fingers while reciting the words of their love that the priest tells them to say.
"I now pronounce you Mr & Mrs Puckerman. You may now kiss the bride." The priest says.
Puck grins as he goes into kiss his new wife. Finn looks over at Rachel who's sitting inbetween Kurt and Santana in the seats. She blows him a kiss and he catches it, placing it on his heart. She giggles and he just grins wider.


At the reception, Puck and Finn's mate, Sam Evans' band is performing for it. In Sam's band is Artie Abrams, Ryder Lynn, Blaine Anderson and Joe Hart.
Finn and Rachel are sitting at a table alone. Finn has a hold on Rachel's hand and is kissing it.
"Will this be us soon?" Rachel asks, looking at Finn.
"One day, babe. Right now, let's just enjoy the couple in love phase." Finn says. He cups her cheek and kisses her.
They're joined at their table by Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Jake and Marley. They're conversations bulid up and they all just enjoy the reception of the Puckerman-Fabray wedding.
Finn marry Rachel in the future. Not this year, not next year but maybe the year after that. It will be special when it does happens though. It will be the best day of his life.


That's it!
No sequel sorry.

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