Chapter 4 ~ Need You Now

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Finn never will love Quinn as much as he loves Rachel. He doesn't know why he hasn't dumped Quinn and gone off to marry Rachel. His life is so complicated now that Rachel is back in his life. Also, now that the wedding is two months away makes it even more complicated. He just wants to be happy in life.

He heads back to his apartment after going to see Grease. The front door is locked so he unlocks the door and walks inside. He hears talking from the bedroom so he walks towards the bedroom. He opens the door to see Quinn lying in bed, watching a movie.

"How was the theatre's version of Grease?" Quinn asks with her eyes still attached to the screen.

"Really good. You know Puck's younger brother?" Finn asks.


"Well he was Danny while his girlfriend, Marley was Sandy. They were really good."

"Did Kurt's costume designing look good?"

"Yeah. He made the costumes just like the ones in the movie."

"He should really be a fashion designer."

"I him that all the time."

Finn gets ready for bed and get into bed next to Quinn. Her movie ends so she turns the TV off. She goes to wrap her arms around Finn but he backs away.

"What's wrong? You love our cuddle nights normally." Quinn says.

"I'm sick." Finn says.

"Why are you so distant lately?" Quinn asks.

"I'm just tired so good night." Finn says, flicking his bed side lamp off. Quinn turns off the lamp from her side of the bed, feeling suspicious.

Finn faces away from Quinn. He hates lying to the woman he's supposed to marry about how he loves Rachel but he doesn't want to tell Quinn about wanting to cancel the wedding. Quinn's a bit of a control freak so she'll go a little psycho.


Rachel's in front of a mirror in an empty room. She turns around to see Finn standing there.

"I love you Rachel." Finn says.

"I've always loved you, Finn." Rachel says.

"I know." Finn says. He steps forwards and cups her cheek to kiss her. They kiss but once they part, he's gone. She's alone then appears in the William McKinley High School Auditorium. There stands her best friends; Finn, Kurt, Santana and Puck. Puck used to tease her but they've become really good friends since then. Santana was Rachel's high school enemy but now while living in New York, Santana became her room mate and was the one who helped change her look.

Kurt wasn't really Rachel's friends at all but then after Finn's mom married Kurt's dad, they became really close.

Finn is Rachel's best friend. They became friends when they were in kindergarten after Puck teased her. They sort of became the cutest couple in kindergarten. Finn was shorter than Rachel back then but had a huge growth spurt around the age of 12 that him really tall. Rachel just grew slowly but still stayed pretty short for her age.

Rachel walks onto the auditorium stage. Her friends stay still and frozen like wax statues. She walks up to Kurt and touches him. He moves slightly then goes: "Hey Rachel. West Side Story is going to be on Broadway in a couple of weeks. You excited?" Kurt freezes.

Rachel moves to the Puck one and touches him. He goes: "We haven't spoken lately My Jewish American Princess. I need some advice."

The next one is Santana. Rachel touches her and Santana says: "I'm lonely in New York since Britt's in Chicago. Come on home, Rach."

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