Chapter 6 ~ Thinking Of You

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Thinking Of You: The song Finchel should've sung as a duet when they're not together but I'm pretty sure they do naughty things in a hotel room in 'I Do' (Season Four, Valentine's Day)


West Side Story was a hit during it's short stint on Broadway.
Rachel started to date Brody, hoping to fill that hole in heart Finn left when she left Lima forever. Santana's happy to have her friend back but sees that Rachel is miserable but has to pull a showface everytime she's in the camera flashlight. Brody doesn't care about Rachel's behind the scene misery since all he cares about is the face she's finally his girl and he's famous.
Santana picks up another magazine Brody's left behind. A magazine called Broadway Week with the same old article on the cover; Broadway's Power Couple, Brochel Are At It Again. Brody always brings magazines of them on the cover when they come out. Santana's grown extremely tired of him on the cover of magazines but she thinks Brody just likes looking at himself.
Rachel on the other hand hates being the centre of attention for once in her life. She always wanted to be the centre of attention back in High School and College but now it's happening to her and she hates it. All she wants is a private life with Finn but he's one month away from getting married.
Kurt calls once a week to keep Rachel up to date with the train wreck that will be the Hudson-Fabray wedding since Finn has been miserable since Rachel left and Quinn has been spending a little too much time with Puck.
Santana carries the last issue of Broadway Week that Brody left behind and throws it into the trash bin. She hears Rachel's crying from Rachel's bedroom.
Santana knocks on Rachel's bedroom door and opens the door slowly to reveal Rachel lying on the top of the covers of the bed, half asleep. A photo of Finn lays under her arm. She groans as Santana sits on the bed.
"Why's my life like this, San?" Rachel groans.
"I don't know, Rach." Santana says.
"Rach! That's what Finn called me!" Rachel screams then nose dives into her pillow, crying.
Santana pats Rachel's back then leaves the room. She hates seeing her friend in a place like this; Miserable, Innocent and Vulnerable.
The door bell rings and Santana goes to answer it. Brody stands there with another magazine in his hands. This time it's the latest issue of the New York Times.
"Where's my Rachy?" Brody asks, cheerfully.
"Bedroom." Santana says, unimpressed.
"Thanks lesbo." Brody says, pushing Santana out of his way.
"My name's Santana." Santana says, annoyed at Brody.
"I know." Brody says with a smug smirk. He goes into Rachel's room and Santana rolls her eyes.
Inside Rachel's room, Brody walks in without knocking.
"Rachy baby." Brody says, loudly.
"Finn!" Rachel shouts, shooting her head up. She sees it's Brody and lays her had back down.
"We made the no.1 Broadway couple in the New York Times today!" Brody cheers.
"Yay." Rachel says with no entusasium.
"I know right." Brody says, clearly not hearing her sadness.
"Brody, can you please leave me alone? I'm tired." Rachel mumbles.
"Sure, I'll go out into the living room and talk to Satan." Brody says.
"Excuse me?" Rachel says.
"I'll go talk to Santana." Brody says.
He leaves Rachel's room and places the newspaper on the coffee table. Santana picks it up and puts it with the other magazines and newspapers Brody brings over; in the bin.
The doorbell rings and Santana goes to answer it. It's Kurt and Blaine.
"Hey." Kurt says.
"Hey guys." Santana says and the two men hug her.
"We bought you a suprise all the way from Chicago." Blaine says.
Brittany pops out from the side and says, "Suprise!"
"Britt!" Santana says and kisses her girlfriend.
"Ugh, gays." Brody says.
"Excuse me?" Santana says.
"It's nothing." Brody says.
"Do you have something against gays or something?" Kurt asks.
"Actually, Lady Hummel," Brody stands up, "I do. God says that marriage should be inbetween a man and a woman not 2 men or 2 woman. Gays should go to hell since God doesn't like you homosexuals! It sould be illegal for gays to get married everywhere on this planet!"
"Get out of my house!" A voice shouts from behind Brody before he can continue his ranting. Everyone looks to see Rachel looking angry.
"Baby? Are you talking to Lady Lips, Sha-Queer-a, Tweedle-Dumb and the Pretty Pony? I can kick them out if you want me to." Brody says.
"I'm talking to you," Rachel says, "I was raised by two gay men. I live with Santana who is a lesbian but doesn't have an attraction to me. Some of my best friends are gay. They are not terrible or stupid or deserve to be in hell. Love is Love, no matter your race or gender." Brittany starts clapping but Santana stops her hands from making one more clapping noise.
"Fine," Brody says, heading to the door, "I don't need you. Plenty of other girls want me and all this." He gestures to his body.
Santana, Brittany, Kurt and Blaine all laugh at the fact he thinks plenty of girls 'want' him and all that.
"Bye Brody." Rachel says.
Santana follows Brody to the door, "Bye bye." She says with a grin as she closes the door behind him.
Rachel falls to the couch, "I need Finn."
Kurt sits next to her and Rachel leans her head on his shoulder. Kurt half smiles, "We know you do, Diva."
"Why does he have to marry someone he doesn't love and she doesn't even love him?" Rachel asks.
Santana sits on Rachel's other side, "We don't know."
"Why is my life so confusing?" Rachel asks.
"We don't know, Rachel." Kurt and Santana say.


So, no Finn this chapter but next one he'll be back.
I hate Brody. He's the one who's trying to make Brochel happen on the show when I think Rachel doesn't want him.
Also, the stuff Brody says is totally not what I think. I think gay marriage should be legal since Glee has taught me that kind of stuff.
Next Chapter will be how Finn's taking Rachel not being around.

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