Chapter 5 ~ The Scientist

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Finn felt so much pressure to win Rachel over after hearing that great duet between her and Puck. Quinn seems a little distant lately. It's like she's a whole different peson that when they first got together. She's just quiet and keeps to herself a lot. Especially after that Puck and Rachel duet.
He knocks on the door to the Berry Household so he can talk to her. He knows that she's home alone and her dads' are away. He just hopes she'll answer the door to talk to him.


Rachel packs her bags in her room. She has to go back to New York now. West Side Story has been chosen to be on Broadway earlier than it was supposed to be. She'll miss Kurt, Puck and her dads' but she'll miss Finn the most. Oh, how her heart begs for him but her mind tells her no.
As she zips her bag up, the doorbell rings. She freezes and looks out her window. She sees Finn's truck in the drive. Oh god, he's here.
She races down the stairs since her heart is telling to but her mind stops her halfway down the stairs. The doorbell rings again. He must be growing impatient. She goes slowly down the stairs and opens the door slowly. Finn stands there with a serious look on his face.
"I'm going Finn." Rachel says straight up.
His mouth opens and closes silently. He's speechless after her quick statement. He comes inside so they can talk. He coughs, "You're going?" He sounds like he's gonna cry. He takes a seat on the couch.
She sits next to him, "West Side Story is being picked up earlier than I thought on Broadway. I have to to go back to New York. I belong there and it looks like you belong here." She explains.
"I don't belong here." He mumbles.
"I know you don't." She says.
"Since you're leaving my life again, I'm still marrying Quinn. She'll fill that gap you'll leave." He says.
"I don't think she loves you though." She says.
"I don't care what you say," He shouts but calms his voice down, "You're leaving me again. I love you Rachel but you keep acting if I don't matter to you. Broadway always came first for little miss Rachel Berry." Finn says, pushing the tears that threaten to pour from his eyes away.
"I love you too, Finn. You do matter to me," Rachel purses her lips, "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. My taxi should be here soon so I'm gonna have to leave soon."
"At least let me say bye to you." Finn says.
Three minutes of silence, then Rachel goes upstairs to bring her suitcase down. They hear the taxi's car horn blare. Finn carries Rachel's suitcase outside to the taxi. He passes it to the driver to put in the boot then Finn looks at Rachel.
They hug then part. In the closeness they feel of that moment, Rachel goes onto her tippy toes to kiss Finn. He kisses her back immediately. She leaves his lips at the driver grows impatient.
"C'mon lady! We gotta get goin'." The driver shouts with a New York accent.
"Bye Finn. Good luck for the wedding." Rachel says.
Finn smiles with sadness clear on his face. Rachel gets into the taxi and cries into her hands quietly. As the cab leaves the street, Finn falls to his knees in tears, his face falling into his hands.


Thanks For Reading!
I know it was pretty short but the next chapter's a bit sad too.

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