Chapter 9 ~ My Life Would Suck Without You

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It's the wedding day.

Finn stands in his dressing room. The tie around his neck is untied so Kurt comes over to tie it for his brother.

"There still is time for you to cancel this." Kurt says.

"What do you mean by that?" Finn asks.

"I ship Finchel." Kurt says.

"Finchel? What's Finchel?" Finn asks, clearly confused.

"It's the couple name for Finn and Rachel. Just like how me and Blaine are Klaine or Blurt. Blaine likes Blurt but I love Klaine." Kurt says.

Finn nods. Kurt finished tying the tie and pats his brothers chest. Finn's mind moves to Rachel and since it's just him and Kurt in the room, he asks the most important question on his mind.

"Is Rachel coming?" Finn asks.

"I don't know, Finn." Kurt confesses.

"Has she talked to you lately?" Finn asks, desperate.

"No. Not since we were at the tuxedo store a week ago." Kurt says.

"I want to see her." Finn says.

"Maybe she'll turn up today." Kurt says.

Finn turns to look at the mirror. He sees the man he doesn't want to be; a man engaged and about to get married to a woman other than Rachel Berry.


Finn sits in the car going to the wedding venue. Kurt and Puck are his best men today and Puck seems really quiet. Ever since Puck arrived today, he's been silent and sad. Why's that?

Finn's mind keeps drifting to Rachel; the petite brunette that is the true holder of his hear. Not Quinn. Rachel won't come to the wedding. She'll be in New York, living her life with one of her best friends, Santana. Rachel will probably meet someone better than Finn and they'll fall deeply and madly in love. She'll forget about that tall dork who has the cute half smile in no time.

Finn shakes the thought from his mind. It saddens him but it will be true.

The car pulls up at the chruch. Finn gets out followed by Kurt and Puck. He sees his mother and Burt rush over to him.

"Are you sure you're going through with this, Finn?" Carole asks.

"Yup." Finn says, half-heartedly.

"Good luck, son." Burt says, patting his step-sons shoulder.

Finn makes his way into the chruch. He sees Rachel lonely but he feels like it's his imagination playing tricks on him. But it isn't since her dads' and Santana are with her. So is Santana's girlfriend Brittany and there's Kurt's boyfriend, Blaine there too. They must be here to support Rachel.

Finn walks up the aisle with Kurt and Puck behind him. Carole and Burt take a seat next to Hiram and LeRoy near the front. Finn spots Quinn's sister, Frannie and Frannie's husband. She looks happy for the marriage of her little sister.

A couple of minutes pass and the music of Quinn's arrival starts. Finn sees Quinn enter with her father, Russell linked with her right arm while her mother, Judy is linked with her left arm. Finn sees Puck grin as Quinn appears. Puck's grin slowly fades when Russell Fabrau gives him a deadly glare.

Quinn stands in front of Finn and in the corner of his eyes, he sees Rachel leave her seat and rush outside with Santana following her.


As the wedding starts, Rachel runs outside, tears streaming down her cheeks ruining her make-up. She sits on a seat outside the main church area. Santana sits next to her.

"I can't be here, San. Seeing him marrying someone else is too painful for me to see." Rachel says.

"I know, honey." Santana says and wraps her arms around Rachel cry into her shoulder. Santana hates seeing her best friend like this. It's too saddening. Maybe in high school, she would've liked seeing the girl she called 'Hobbit' and 'Yentl' cry but not now. Now they were best friends since people do change.

"Let's go," Santana says, getting herself and Rachel off that park bench, "I'll have to text Britt later about why we left."


"Do you, Lucy Quinn Fabray, take this man to be you're lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asks.

"I do." Quinn says, with a hint of hesitation in her voice.

"Do you, Finn Christopher Hudson, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asks.

Finn looks around at the waiting eyes of Mr and Mrs Fabray, his parents, Kurt, Puck, Kitty Wilde (Quinn's maid of honour) and Frannie Fabray.

He then sees Rachel walk past the entrance. She stops to see Finn's answer. God, she looks so angelic and beautiful like this. Finn turns to face Quinn.

"I don't," Finn says with gasps as his answer, "My heart belond to another." Finn runs down the aisle and goes to hug Rachel.

"I love you, Rachel Barbra Berry. More than anything in this world. I'll follow you where ever you go." Finn says with his arms around Rachel.

"I love you more than anything too, Finn Christopher Hudson." Rachel says with a huge grin on her face.

Finn leans down and kisses Rachel passionately. 'Awes' are heard from around the church. Then there's the growl from Russell Fabray, the scream from Quinn, the "Yes!" from Puck and the "FINCHEL FOREVER BITCHES!" from Kurt.


Next chapter is the last



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