Chapter 6

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**Amy's P.O.V**

I unlock the daycare building I work at, I walk into my office and decide to start planning activities for the day, but first I must look at who will attend

Janet and Riley

Katrina, Misha and Sergei

Carol, Buddy and Texas

Karen and Hunter

Marie and Diamond

Shanon and Sky

After I have looked over my list I begin to plan out activities. 'Since it's our first meeting I should put them into groups to get to know eachother better while the kids colour or draw' I thought to myself as I checked the time

"5:50" I say outlook as I quickly go into the room and begin to get the chairs off of the desks. I then get some paper and colouring sheets and lay them in the kids room. I grab some coloured pencils and regular pencils. I then write on the white board

"Coloured Pencils are for Colouring, Regular Pencils are for drawing :)"

Once I had gotten ready I stand by the door ready to meet the parents and children.

**Janet P.O.V**

I climb into the passengers side of Katrina's jeep, we had fallen asleep on eachother and it was 6:50. We had to rush to get to the daycare. Misha and Sergei had buckled Riley into her new Frozen carseat Katrina had bought for her. I began to zone out as Katrina drove

'Your not Gay Janet! Your not Gay!' Was screamed inside my head but I didn't know. Was I gay? Was Katrina really just a friend?

Before I knew it Katrina and grabbed my hand and was holding it while driving with one hand. I didn't notice however since I was zoned out, questioning my true sexuality.

Once we arrived i am still zoned out. The only way I know we're there is Katrina saying my name and shaking me a bit.

"Janet? Janet we're here? Are you alright Janet?" Katrina said while shaking my shoulder

"Huh? Oh yeah let's go" I reply still slightly zoned out

"Janet you need to wake fully up before we go in there" Katrina tells me

"Yeah alright" I reply

"Janet you can tell me whats bothering you, I took the kids in and said I'd he right back. We're alone now" Katrina told me in a soft tone

"Nothing i just am tired thats all. We should get going" I reply and open my door

"Alright..." Katrina replies and gets out as well.

**Katrina's P.O.V**

I knew something was bothering Janet and I wish she would tell me, but I am not going to force it out of her. I grab her hand as we enter the daycare, not wanting to get separated in the large group of people. Janet and I find 2 seats, one for me and one for Janet. We sit down. It was 6:05 and the daycare was about to start. A lady with glasses went up and began to speak

"Hello everyone welcome to Mommy Toddler Time Day Care my name is Amy. Let's all introduce ourselves shall we? You start"

She pointed at me i stood up and began to speak myself

"Hello my name is Katrina and these are my boys, Misha and Sergei" I tell her as my twin sons stood next to me

"Alright now you" Amy pointed at Janet

"Um my name is Janet and this is my daughter Riley" Janet points at Riley. I hear her mumble "and my girlfriend Katrina" and I smile a bit

"Alright what about you" Amy pointed at another person. I didn't bother to look

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