Chapter 14

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You slowly exhaled through your mouth with your eyes closed in concentration and repeated the process one last time before looking up at your reflection in the mirror. Your
(H/C) hair was kept to its natural state and your (S/C) skin glimmered in the bright lights above you. You wore your usual 'S' attire, but you had layed your oversized jacket on the counter next to you for now until you calmed your racing heart.

You were really about to sneak out the house to go risk your life by skateboarding against a psychopath. You couldn't believe it. The event sounded so...far away. Yet, that's exactly the next place you'd be heading. You were filled with so much anxiety and stress, that you had to take a break before finally leaving.

"It's gonna be fine Y/N." You breathed out, remembering that you had people on your side."Langa will be there."

Your cat hopped on your bathroom counter while meowing and quietly padded it's four little paws on the ceramic next to you. Both of your hands were holding onto the counter at each sides of you. Your palms sweaty and flat against the surface and your head hanging between your tense shoulders. You really needed to calm down.

Your cat fashionably walked in between your two arms and lifted itself up to rub its nose and face against your chin with a content look on its own face. You slightly chuckled and rubbed it's back, much to it's satisfaction. The fluffy creature purred loudly at the attention you were giving it, looking at you with adoration. It reminded you of Reki in a way, or maybe Miya a bit more.

You stood back up straight and exhaled, your cat sitting down and watching you curiously. It's head tilted to the side in wonder. It seemed to ask itself what kind of thoughts were running through your own mind and what kind of mess you had gotten yourself into once more. If it could talk, you'd probably have to buy a whole package of duck tape for its mouth because this thing knew way too much about you. 

"I got myself into some deep shit, buddy." You muttered, running your hand through its furr again. The engine inside its body purred louder as it threw it's head back so you could continue. You scratched it behind the ears and under the chin, every cat's weak points. Your smile turned downwards, knowing that you'd have to leave soon. Didn't want to be late like last time. "I really can't believe I'm about to do this crap."

You took your jacket off the counter and stared at the designs on it for a few seconds in thoughts. You'd never break the promise you had made to your best friend. You'd keep it. Whatever the injury, you'd keep on skating. Always. For infinity.

"Admiral's coming."


Reki and Langa both came and picked you up from your house. Like usual, you had climbed out your window, though that time, it had been Langa that had catched you in your fall because of Reki's bandaged arm. The boys rode to 'S' with the motorcycle, leaving it at the entrance before you guys finally walked all the way to your group.

"Who do you think's gonna win?"

"Adam obviously!"

"Look! It's those two!"

"Snow boy and butterfly girl!"

The guys turned around to face the three of you as you arrived with your boards under your arms. Like usual, your hood had been placed over your head and your jacket had been zipped up as well. The hood hadn't been forward enough to hide your vision from others, though. You placed your board on the ground and skated the rest of the way to the men waiting for you.

"You showed up!" Shadow called out as you made it to them. Stopping next to Miya, you lifted your board's nose in the air before slamming it back down on the ground.

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