The pharmacy

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All of my family members died less then a month ago. I see no point on trying to survive. I barely wake my way to the small abandoned town because my stomach is aching with pain. I've been throwing up blood for days."I don't know why I wasted all my energy on coming here". I start thinking to myself. Suddenly, I see a pharmacy I sigh with relief.
But before I can enter blood comes out of my mouth onto the ground. I gasp with pain and my lower abdomen is in extreme pain as if it's being shot at or stabbed. Tears form in my eyes as I cover my mouth trying not to make a noise. I force myself to go into the pharmacy. My Vision is going blurry and I'm lightheaded. I'm so tired, and not sleepy tired. I mean tired. I was so caught up into thought that I didn't even see I bumped into a girl. She was almost as tall as me just a few inches shorter I predicted. She has grayish blueish eyes they looked like the ocean. She has orange hair almost red.
I try my best to stay up and not fall but I can't. I am no longer in charge of my legs. I collapse onto the ground my head hitting the ground really hard. My body is unconscious I can't feel it. Suddenly, I feel someone grab me and carry me. And then my eyes flutter shut.

A quiet place Regan x Reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now