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   "I think it's actually kind of cute" Y/N said as she looked at the dog no one else wanted, except her of course.
"You and what army" y/ns snobby brother said and In response y/n stuck her tongue out at him. He laughed as the two siblings mother payed the counter man for the dog no one else wanted.

Present day...

Sign 1; y/n: What's the point on leaving like there's going to be anyone else here, trust me I've looked and there is literally no one Regan. I don't see how you have so much h-

Sign 2: Regan: stop, just stop. I'm tired of you saying that as if you've searched the entire world look I know you've had family leave and stuff but please just give it a shot y/n.

Sign 1: Y/N: don't bring up my family, alright?

Y/N POV: I walked away not having any more interest in the conversation. I can't bring myself to hate Regan. I mean she helped me right? But so did Lee, and Evelyn and Marcus and even little Beau... whom is no longer with us. I have had nothing great that has happened to me, not recently. The Abbotts were the only hope I had.
Recently I've been avoiding any sort of conversation or anything with Regan. I know it sounds selfish but, I just need time to grief. And I need to give the rest of the family time too. Lee and I were close but not as close as Regan and there family you know?
I've been trying to help her , telling her it's not her fault but she's made it pretty clear she doesn't want my help, at all. Plus I've gotten to attached and I don't know what I would do to myself if I lost her too. I love her...so much. And I've never told her that or anyone but my family. Ok so maybe I never had a boyfriend? Or maybe not a girlfriend? Maybe not a car or a popular friend. But I don't know, it's not really my place to think about that right now.
Plus we will never get back to normal. Ever.
Recently I've been having more nightmares then usual. I've tried to talk about them but it's not really useful. So much for talking about my feelings right? We're leaving the farm today if you really wanted to know. I'm not to thrilled about it either.

After a couple of weeks of grieving I've also discovered I have romantic feelings for Regan. Which is so stupid I mean considering our circumstances? The chances of survival extremely low? Really right now I've had to do this? Another reason why I'm avoiding her. Frankly if we were normal, I would just tell her. Get that stupid burden off my chest. But we're not and she does not need another thing on her plate.
We're leaving now, wish me luck.

A/N: lame ass chapter I know💀

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