AUTHORS NOTE (dont criticize me)

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Ok so I'm in a really bad mental state right now and I haven't had a lot of Time for wattpad cuz I've been too preoccupied with school and other stuff. I joined volleyball and I had a lot of games and stuff and phones aren't allowed in school anymore meaning I couldn't do anything and only had 2 hours of screentime in total.

So I haven't updated this in a while and probably won't if you want me to continue then I'll try my best to update but I might just leave it here I don't know I haven't decided. Y'all's opinions matter too and if you want me to keep going then I'll try to but it's gonna be hard to update this and I haven't watched the 2nd movie since like august meaning I would have to go back and watch it again.
But my volleyball season ended today meaning I'll probably have more time for this. Most likely this week I won't be able to update cuz I have a science project due and I haven't like made any progress but I have alot of smart people in my group.

I don't even remember the 2nd movie and I'm so so so sorry i was offline for 5-6 months and I'm not dead actually.

And I'm sorry for making excuses I'm just like completely exhausted so next week you guys will most likely have a update or maybe next Friday when I have more time for things.

Thanks for reading <3

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