Part 7

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"Where are we going?" I managed to croak out after drinking some water given to me by the flame guy from earlier, he'd said his name was Sapnap I think. We'd stopped at a gas station but other than that we kept going. Honestly though I hadn't seen any other buildings other than the gas station to stop at.

"Back home," he stated plainly.

I tried to ask where home was but a coughing fit beat me to it.

"You should drink more water," said the one with goggles and a spiral hoodie, Karl.

I took another sip, thankful for its calming touch in my throat. "Where is home?" I asked, my voice cracking at the last bit.

"You'll see soon enough kid," said 'Quackity'.

I tried to make conversation on the ride out but I'm not sure it was appreciated so I stopped after a while. We were in a kind of brush desert, with lots of small bushes that all looked like they could light on fire if a spark happened within a foot of them. I imagined what that would look like, but quickly shook the thought out of my head. That would be awful, and honestly I just wanted to go back, back before I had ever been caught back before anyone called me Theseus.

 I just wanted to not be afraid of being chased everyday, or scared for my life every moment. Although honestly that was being idealistic, I suppose I wouldn't hate going back to living with Wilby, Techno, and the Bucket hat man, I'm pretty sure his name was Phil. That was a realistic outlook I supposed, if these people brought him back to that place. Though it was unlikely that they would in fact take me back, I was too weak to fight or run away anyway.

As we rode into the night I fell asleep to the thrumming of the tires on the road. I caught myself before I nearly fell off one of many times that night. At one point we stopped, I had been riding with Sapnap but he switched with Quackity so he could get a break. Quackity used a makeshift of bungee cords to wrap me against him so if I fell asleep I wouldn't fall off the motorcycle. I was grateful and thanked him, as we began our journey again, the sun was beginning to rise, and I drifted off.

When I woke again Quackity was taking off the bungee cords and dismounting. I slid slowly off the motorcycle after him, stumbling, my legs not having been used for so long. We were in a parking garage, that much I could tell and it looked like we were underground. We walked up three levels of the garage and got in an elevator, Karl put a key in a slot next to a number. The elevator moved up, chiming as it passed each floor.

Finally after I had lost count of the floors we passed, the doors opened and we stepped out into an empty hallway. Then after passing a few doors we entered one after swiping a card. We walked into a living room and Karl grabbed my arm leading me into a smaller separate room that had a small bed, a little table and a large window.

"This is where you'll be staying while things settle down a bit," he stated, turning to walk out of the room.

"Hey wait, where am I even?" I said looking through the window after he stopped. I could see large buildings with even bigger and brighter signs above them but the scrawled lettering was too difficult for me to decipher, "Can I go back home?"

Karl snorted, "Kid, you're in Las Nevadas now, and as far as I'm aware until your father agrees to the terms of our proposal, you're stuck here."

He then walked out, closing the door and I heard the faint click of a lock, great, locked in a room again. My dad hated me, he would even come near me, unless it was of course to hurt me. There was no way he'd get me out of here. That is unless he was talking about Phil maybe, techno had said Phil was his dad but it was unlikely that those three did too.

 I opened the window looking down, there was no way I'd survive that fall, even with feather falling. I'd have to wait until my wing healed completely before I could even try flying. I looked up and saw that the top of the roof was only a few meters up. I was a good climber, having not been able to use my wings immediately as a child I had gotten good at scaling objects.

I formed a plan on the spot, I was getting out of here but it would take some preparation. I needed to wait until night fell again, I would have to make a lot of noise and scream as loud as I could. Then before they could come in I would climb up to the roof leaving the window open. But who could I blame it on, then the answer came to me, Smiley. I could draw his mask on the wall or something but I still didn't have anything to draw with. I'd figure it out, but for now I needed to rest, so I closed the window and laid down on the small bed staring at the ceiling. This was gonna work, it had to.

Time skip———————————

When I next opened my eyes it was just past twilight . I sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes and saw a plate set up on a small collapsible table. I wrinkled my nose up at the dish, it was some concoction of burnt potatoes and old fish. I was hungry but not that hungry. I began to explore the room in earnest and with greater attention to detail and found a Bobby pin and a hair tie. I slid the hair tie onto my wrist and began snapping it against my skin absentmindedly. 

I could use the Bobby pin to scrawl the design into the wall, yeah that would work. I took it and drew the smile pressing hard into the drywall with the Bobby pin. Once completed I took a step back and marveled at my work. I then shoved the Bobby pin into my hair, I couldn't leave any evidence after all. 

I opened the window letting in the fresh night air of the city. I looked out at the bright lights and signs, it almost looked like day time still on the ground because it was so light. Taking a deep breath I turned back to my room and began quietly ripping up the bed making it look like a fight had taken place there. Then moving along I went around to the rest of the room shifting objects this way or that but left the collapsible table intact, it would be the source of my noise.

I was ready, taking a deep breath, I pushed the table over and let out a blood curdling scream. Then moving fast I went out the window climbing up the side of the building, my fingers digging into the bricks. I heard the door being opened and the cries of frustration from inside and  then the silence when they saw the smile. 


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