All The Lies

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At first there was no answer. Harrison rang it again but no one came to the door.

     "Are you sure they're home?" I asked him, while Anna hung onto my arm for support. He rang it a third time. Light shifted through the glazed windows and we knew someone was approaching.

Unlocking it, a man opened the door slightly. He looked dishevelled with a hint of annoyance.

"Hey, I don't know how you found out where I li-"

"Ello mate!" Harrison walked into view with his arms raised motioning for a hug.

"Haz? What are you doin home?" He asked confusedly, however, his countenance seemed to change into a less drab, sort of relief. Still, not the reaction I would've hoped for surprising someone.

"Wrapped up early and wanted to surprise you guys! You right?", they let go from the hug and Harrison patted him on the arm. The man stopped for a second, then looked at Anna and I.

     "And who is this?" he didn't necessarily say it in a rude tone, but his question was in no ways welcoming.

     "This is Anna and Leena," Harrison gestured towards the girl on my arm then to me. "And this is Tom," he said pointing to the boy.

     "Are they-"

     "Girls I met at the airport, they're in a bit of a predicament and I thought we could help," Harrison stated, cutting off Tom.

     "Oh," I see him look over at the suitcases "like stay over?" He seemed disappointed.

"Yeah, just for a bit, hopefully their plane is good to fly tomorrow". Just as Harrison finished explaining Anna stumbled a bit.

"Stop trying to put weight on it, it hasn't miraculously healed in the past hour," I scold Anna trying to pick up more of her weight.

"Sorry! I just feel ridiculous needing to be held up." She retorted. I see Tom's brow furrow.

"Of course, let's get you sat down. How about I take her up, the stairs are quite steep. Tom can you help with the bags?" I cautiously let Harrison take hold of Anna. Turning to grab the bags I see Tom lifting two of the suit cases leaving one for me.

Following the other three, I look around the house. It's beautiful. It has rustic charm but modern decor. Equally spacious and cozy. Thinking about it, letting people into such a nice home is a risk for Harrison. And his roommate not being pleased with our arrival makes me feel safer. As unwelcoming as it was, a murderer would want you to feel at ease. Right?

     Passing a mirror in the hallway I caught a glimpse of myself. Wow. I look retched. Messy hair, bags under my eyes, sweats. I haven't paid much attention to what Tom looks like, hopefully he's not cute, I don't want anyone attractive seeing me like this. Although, with the indifferent introduction we had, with his personality it may not even matter if he was cute.

     "Here we are, you two are alright sharing a bed right? Careful getting your leg up there love," Harrison helped Anna onto the bed, it looked like a queen, should fit both of us.

     The room was a good size. The ceiling sloped a bit exposing some of the wood the old house was made of. There was an old chair with intricate whittling sitting in the corner of the room facing away from the bay window that rested where the walls met. There were two more large windows, all open with draping curtains that danced along the floor with the warm breeze that floated through. The air smelled sweet. Looking out the windows there was a beautiful garden, small but I wouldn't have even suspect a group of young guys to have a garden, let alone a well maintained one.

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