Cloudy Skies

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     After our little confession we continued walking. Through the fields, over a few streams, and we found ourselves sitting in a tree. Tess lay asleep at the base.

     "Its beautiful out here," The rain had picked up but the leaves and branches of the tree shielded us from getting wet. A natural sanctuary.

     "Yeah. This is literally one of the only places in the world that I can be alone and just... breathe." Suddenly feeling like I was intruding I took a deep breathe and looked out into the fields. The pale yellow crops contrasted the tumbling grey sky. "I'm glad you're here. Sometimes it gets lonely, but I don't want to bring Haz or Harry. I feel like they wouldn't fully appreciate it, or I guess, understand? Its nice... being with..." he was searching for words.

     "A stranger? 'Who doesn't give a shit who you are'?" I laughed cautiously hoping he'd get my reference to this morning's conversation. He scoffed. I think he got it.

     "Sure. That's one way to put it." He was looking away into the distance but suddenly turned to face me. "You can't tell anyone about this place. Not that I'm the only one who knows about it, its just special to me..." there was pleading in his eyes.

     "Of course. I mean I'm leaving in two days and I don't even know where in England I am, let alone, where this place is," He nodded and looked back at the fields. The rain started to let up. There was a refreshing breeze that swayed the leaves and a few smaller branches. The smell of rain lingered in the air. Passing the thermos between us a couple times the hot chocolate was now cold.

     Tom took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh. Stretching his arm out, his watch poked out from under his sleeve. Sitting up, he did a little stretch and looked at me.

     "We should get going. Did you want to go to my parent's house? I know Anna said yes but I understand if you're jet-legged or honestly just uncomfortable going?" It was a tad weird. Especially seeing that Haz offered almost immediately after Tom and I had our fight. But seeing that we're good now I think it would be weirder if I said no...

     "No, that's alright. I wouldn't mind being around a family right now. Oh maybe I can even tell your mom about what you said this morning!" He looked at me with a mix-match of emotions. His eyes showed fear and shock but his grin and laugh told me he knew I was joking.

     "Please no, my mum would be appalled. Or she might die of humiliation. I'd never hear the end of it." He chuckled as he planned his descent from the tree. Lowering himself and with a bit of a hop he jumped down. While climbing up I had not thought about how I was going to return to the ground.

     "Toss me the thermos," Tom requested. I did as he said and started to look for a way down. Gripping onto some of the larger branches I lowered myself in anticipation to jump down. Guessing he saw my hesitation, Tom watched and pointed out some places I could place my hands and feet. "There you go, you'll be alright," I hopped down but lost my footing a bit on the landing. Tom grabbed my forearm to help me steady.

     "Thanks," I said with a laugh. He laughed too, exposing a toothy smile. He has nice teeth. He began walking away and I realized I was staring at him. I'm not sure if it was him or just the atmosphere that was beautiful. Is it being bundled up in flannels, walking with a cute dog through misting rain on a grey, cloudy day across brilliantly yellow crop fields? Or the handsome man with chestnut curls and a godly jawline?

     I noticed him starting to turn his head and I quickly looked away to Tessa who was still laying under the tree. Her head perked up when Tom looked back at us.

     "Come on Tess, good girl," he said to her. His speech carried the smallest inclination of a baby voice. "You coming?" He now addressed me, thankfully, in his normal tone.

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