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We sat around the table and talked about travel stories, movies, things we want to do, and whatever sprang up in between. Tom never rejoined us.

Nearing 9pm , or sorry, 21:00, Anna and I were getting really tired. It was only a one hour jet leg for us but staying up late to go to the doctors, arriving early for the flight, etc, did not leave us with much sleep.

Saying goodnight to the Harry and Haz, Anna and I go to our room. We grab our toothbrushes and were heading to the bathroom together when Anna stopped.

"Wait! I forgot my face cloth, hold on," she called out quietly worried she'd wake someone. "Stay, I can get it," she said hobbling back to the room. I stood only a few feet away from Tom's room. I could hear voices. Why am I always in this situation...

"Why didn't you just toss it?"

"She used it didn't she? Better than it going to waste! It's not her fault, I just wasn't ready for it I guess."

"Mate... well, if you have anymore of her stuff I don't recommend giving it to people staying in your house."

"They're just here for the one night though, right? I don't need fans in my own home. Especially gold d-"

"Got it!" Startled, I jump and see Anna behind me. She looked at me wide-eyed. Grabbing her we quickly make it to the bathroom. I didn't want them to find me eavesdropping.

While getting ready in the bathroom I heard a door open and close, the floor creaking and another quieter door open and close. I think it was Haz talking to Tom. He must've gone to bed. I hope he told Tom we weren't fans. And was Tom going to say we're gold diggers? Where would he get that from?

We walk back down the hallway, there was no sound except soft snores in two of the three rooms. I can't remember the last time I went to sleep at 10pm.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

I woke up needing to pee, I check my plugged in phone, 2am. Unplugging it I put my flashlight on. I hate being afraid of the dark.

Walking down the hallway I notice the light is on in Tom's room, I keep the shine from my light away from the door. Getting closer I hear a guitar. The same song as earlier today.

"Bollocks! Mm, okay. Alright last time," he repeated the same part of the song over and over. They sounded good each time. "I don't know why I speed up though, I don't know why I decide to do it so quickly." Is he talking to himself? He must be. He definitely doesn't have guitar lessons at 2am.

I go to the bathroom and on my way back I see the light in Tom's room is now out. Shit, I hope he doesn't see the flashlight... I try to shield some of the light as I get closer. I hear the faintest humming and a few sniffles.

Wow. I'm really invading this man's privacy. I make it back to our room and lay down. I don't mean to hear all of their conversations, it just happens. But I feel bad being in his house while he's going through a break up. I've learned more about this guy than I ever should have. But we'll be gone tomorrow. And everyone can just forget about our stay.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

"bzzzzz.......bzzzzz.......bzzzzz," I hear Anna rustling as we both look for the culprit making that horrendous sound.

"I got it, I got it- Oh. Hello?" Anna cleared her throat. I thought that was our alarm. Is that the airline company? "Yes. Yes they are." There was a pause. Despite being only a couple feet from it, I could not hear the person on the other side of the phone. "Oh... Okay. Do you have an idea when we'll be able to fly? ...Wow! Oh good..." Anna scoffed at whatever was said. "Sure thanks, okay thank you, bye." Anna hung up and slowly turned her head to me, jaw open and irritation shading her eyes.

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