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-"Wanna be next, doll?"

Unfazed by the repulsive man's words you begun to walk away heading into the direction of the balcony, a sigh of relief leaving your lips as you rest your arms atop of the balcony ledge.

Staring at the lights of the city of hell as a cold breeze blew by every now and then and not a minute later you felt a presence standing beside you blowing out a puff from their cigar, assuming it was the obnoxious pimp you sighed in defeat your head hanging low.

-"Can't you take a god damn hint Valenti-"

As you begun to look up your head tilting to stare up at the individual, you shortly came to recognize, you were slighly taken aback and glad that it was not the horny; obnoxious overlord of 'pimpdom'.

But instead-


-"Sorry dollface were you expecting someone else?"

The televised man queried as he took another puff from his cigar the vile odèr of the smoke whirring in the air as another cold breeze blew by, scoffing you rest your head on your hand continuing to look into the distance.

-"Nope, actually thankful it isn't that narsisstic son of whore,"

Mumbling you hear Vox laugh as he leans down onto the ledge as well, a wide smirk visible on his televised face, his voice like that of commercial man yet static lacing it in between sentences.

-"Well aren't you a first,"

-"And that's supposed to mean what exactly?"

-"Well every lil lady in hell is tryin' ta get in his pants but that's only coz of how much of a-"

-"Seductive manipulative asshole he can be?"

A roar of laughter left Vox's mouth as he held onto his 'screen' and dropped his cigar placing his foot onto it to kill it. Giving him a side glance you smirk and start to chuckle lighytly, Vox, he doesn't like such an arrogant overlord asshole.

-"Damn never thought I'd meet an angel like you,"

You couldn't tell if it were a compliment or if he knew of your origin but you couldn't stop the blush that spread onto your delicate skin. After turning completely around and leaning against the ledge Vox eyed you up and down; a smirk evident of his 'screen' once again.

-"But you don't dress like one,"

-"Okay okay I get it jesus, mister cheesy pick up lines!"

-"Cheesy pick-up lines? Madam I am offended!"

You both broke out into a fit of laughter again it soon quieting down as you both sighed, after a few minutes of staying quiet and you listening to the somber and melancholy song that played inside you started to wonder what the name was.

Vox as if reading your mind spoke a soft murmer, his voice delicate, quiet yet still audible. 

-"It's from a singer named Mitski from earth,"

-"Huh didn't know I didn't usually get to listen to human music in heaven,"

-"How come?"

You let out a long exaggerated sigh and slide down plopping yourself onto the floor of the balcony.

-"Dear sweet dad wouldn't allow it,"

Placing emphasis on one of the words proved as a simpler way to show your resentment towards your, high and mighty father.

Then you both were engulfed in silence once again, the soft melancholy music slowly coming to an end and another slow song beginning to play.

-"It was her favorite. . ."

Vox spoke but his voice a mere whisper as he sunk down beside you onto the cold balcony floor. You turned to look at him as you crossed your legs over one another, resting your hands on your lap.

-"Guess she was pretty amazing huh?"

-"Amazing. . .crazy. . .always smelled of flowers. . ."

A small smile rested on his 'screen', his muscles that were tense seeming to relax as he thought of the one he loved, you didn't want to pry so you only listened to what had to say about himself.

About her

An hour of talking and enjoying each other's company you both hear  Lucifer announce that the ball had officially ended, Vox stood up straightening his suit and dusting it off in the process.

Offering a outstretched hand toward you took hit him hoisting you up carefully before letting go of your hand, a small smile graced your lips.

-"Well it was nice meeting you Vox,"

-"Likewise Y|n,"

Just as he was about to turn to leave you called his name in a nervous manner, the overlord spun humming in response waiting for you continue.

-"Wanna. . Um exchange contact info maybe? Ya' know just to keep in touch!"

Vox's usual wide grew even wider if possible and as he slowly made his way back toward you he took his phone out of his pants pocket, unlocking it and handing it to you.

-"Sure dollface,"

-"We're friends after all,"

Words: 805

⋆ 𝙎𝙚𝙭. 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮. 𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙙𝙞𝙚 ⋆Where stories live. Discover now