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Groggy and moody.

These two words perfectly described Y/n when she was rudely awoken by one of the imp's that worked in the palace. Today was the harvest moon festival and of course her 'uncle Stolas' wanted her to join him with his visit to the wrath ring, getting out of bed and getting ready felt like the most tiring thing in the world.

My limbs feeling heavy and tired, brain still processing everything that was happening around me as I felt my room dragging my legs while I made my way downstairs, the sound of chatter distant  and inaudible. As I got closer the voices became clearer 'dear god why' I muttered entering the dinning hall, I shudder in disgust and my skin crawled. 

-"Good morning."

The four men's gaze fell in my direction "Y/n! You've finally awoken," Uncle Lucifer said turning his gaze back to Vox his wide grin seemed a bit crocked though, like he was holding himself back "Please come sit dear we'll be leaving shortly!" Stolas sneered his eyes narrowed toward Valentino's direction.

At least we both hate the same asshole, I gave Vox a small wave before leaving once again "I'm gonna get something from the kitchen," I commented walking alone in the hallway again.

-"If you'll please excuse me your highness," Valentino implored before standing up and heading in the same direction as Y/n, it didn't take him long to find her since she was just stuffing cream puffs in her mouth, a small moan of bliss leaving her lips that were coated in cream and icing sugar.

The sight looked. . .tempting to say the least, he's alone with her she'd be so helpless below him not being able to do anything yet he felt against the idea; he didn't enjoy the idea of corrupting her body.

Her being, her soul.

It made him feel off and he couldn't understand it, why was he feeling so conflicted? 'Just grab her and make her yours!' He thought continuing to stare at her, Y/n bending down to pick up a piece of the pastry that had fallen to the floor. Ignoring the strange thoughts that have begun clouding his mind he made his way behind her, grabbing her ass.

And almost in a instant he was on his knees holding onto his family jewels as they just been brutally punched by the woman he'd groped " You happy now?" She sneered grabbing the collar of his coat that was alined with the most expensive fur.

He only gave her a pained, crooked smirk " Yes very much," be begun Y/n scoffing in disbelief letting go and turning to walk away "But!" Valentino yelled slowly standing up.

He shuffled his way closer towards her as she stood in the entryway of the kitchen making sure to keep his distance as to not get hit in the balls again "How about we start over?" "Are you fucking serious?" Y/n hissed arms crossed over her chest as she glared knives at him.

-"Yes I am I think we maybe-"


-"DID-did get off on the wrong foot sweetheart!"

I don't get it, what's his aim with this exactly? Does he think this is gonna help him get me into his bed quicker, then he must be high as fuck right now. I stared at Valentino humming before answering with a simple 'no' and leaving him alone in the kitchen.

-"Y/n we're leaving dear!" Uncle Stolas exclaimed as I made my way back to the dining hall "K I'm on way!" I yelled back hurriedly walking towards Vox. A let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in my shoulders shaking, I flinched feeling a hand on my shoulder.

-"You alright cupcake?" Vox questioned as I gave him a meek smile "yeah I'm fine," I breathed.

-"I'm fine...".


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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