Excluded (Chapter Ten)

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Chapter Ten



When we finally got to Willow the next day, I was in complete shock.  There was no one in sight.  Boards were covering windows, plants were wilting, and everything was so lifeless.  I had just been here a few days ago, how could everything have changed so drastically in such a short amount of time?

"Um, I've never been here before but," Shane began.  "something tells me it isn't supposed to look like this."

"You're right," I told him.  Willow was smaller in population than Harmony.  A vast forest covered most of the land, and the small villages here and there weren't very big.  The only city was the one were the royal family resided, but that wasn't near here at all.

"What do you suppose happened?" Jay asked.

"It wasn't like this when I visited."

"Then let's go find someone who can help us," Adam suggested, starting off into the village.  I nodded, and we all followed him.  Adam, though, had no idea where he was going so I soon took the lead.

I had told my parents to stay in the boat since this could be dangerous, and they listened.  I'm glad they're so understanding.

We knocked on doors and searched everywhere until we found someone.  He was a man, and he was looking a little old.

"Who are ye?" He asked us, pointing a stubby finger in our direction.  "Ye aren't one of those demons are ye?"

"What?" I said in wonder, cocking my head to the side.  "Of course not.  We're travelers looking for a place to stay."

"Well there is no place here.  Begone!  Leave us alone!"  He waved his hands as if trying to brush us away, but we didn't move.

"Sir, could you tell us what's going on here?" Justine asked.

"Why should I?  I don't know ye."

"But, our friend is in danger and we need help!" I explained to him.

"Are they one of those demons?"


The man thought for a moment, but then gave into our request.  "Just yesterday a group of people showed up and started pointing their guns at us.  They were asking us if we were E-Humans and stuff, but none of us who were told them yes.  As you must know, the weeping flower originated in Willow, and everyone here is familiar with it's power.

"The men and women who were in that group frightened most of us, so those people fled to neighboring villages.  Some of us stayed, however, but not for long.  The group of people were found out to be in some sort or orginization and they said it was called kaeteh, whatever that means.

"The people in kaeteh have disappeared into the forest for who knows what reason.  The remaining villagers boarded up their windows and doors and moved to another village.  I stayed here to keep watch for more intruders."

It was silent for a moment as we all realized what this meant; we weren't safe here either.

"Do ye young folks have any thought to why they were here?" the man asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, we don't.  Sorry sir," I lied.  "But we're going to follow them.  It was their lot that kidnapped our friend.  Tell me, did there seem to be anyone in charge of this group?"

"Nah, and they were all older than ye.  Why did they take yer friend?"

I didn't answer; it didn't seem like something to tell him.  "I don't know."  It was a lie, yeah I know.  He was a stranger and it seemed to personal.

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