Excluded (Chapter Two)

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Chapter Two


The sun set, leaving behind the dark night sky for us all to gaze up at.  It was beautiful, and the millions of stars could be seen since there were only a few clouds.

A day so pleasant, so cheerful.

A day only two days before the worst day of the year.

I looked at all my friend's smiling faces.  Shane and Aqua were talking about the festival with huge grins on their faces.

"I can't wait, it'll be so much fun!" Aqua exclaimed.

"I know right?!" Shane agreed.

I looked at Justine, who was now staring out into the sea.

I looked at Evey, Leon, and Adam, who were all gazing at the sky without a care in the world.

I looked at Jayden, who was now entering Shane and Aqua's conversation.

I closed my eyes.  It's good that you forgot, Jay.  I thought to myself.

"Hey, Addison?" I heard Leon start.

I opened my eyes, turning to face him.  "Yeah?"

"Are you sure you have to leave?"

I sighed.  "Yes, I can't not go on vacation with my parents."  I actually never wanted to go to one of those celebrations ever again.  How could I enjoy myself when that's the day?  The day that....

I held back tears as I thought back, the memories killing me.  A rouge tear escaped my right eye and ran down my cheek.

"Addison, are you okay?" Leon asked, concerned when he saw my tear.

I quickly wiped it off before anyone else noticed.  "Yeah, I'm fine," I assured him.

He didn't look convinced, but dropped the matter anyway.

"I'm going home," Aqua announced.  "I'll see you guys at the festival!"  She ran off towards the city, waving back at us.

"I should get going too," Leon realized.

"Bye," I said as he left, and the others waved.

"Bye Lee-ohn!" Seems like Shane already has a nickname for him.

I shook my head and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Shane questioned, cocking his head to his left.

"Do you have to give a nickname to everyone?" I asked him through a smile.

"Yep!  It's my job!  And some of them even stick!  Evey, Jay... yeah those are the only ones."  He laughed, then ran out and into the sea.  The calm sea water splashed against his legs as he stood there.

I looked up at one of the moons that orbit our world.  There were three moons, but only one can be seen at the moment, and that is Cyal.  [A/N: The 'c' is pronounced like an 's'.]  They say it is covered in crystals, and that it might actually be one large crystal floating around space, which is why the name was made to be similar to crystal.  Because of it's crystal making, it reflects light of all sorts of colors down on us.  At the moment, it is green and blue.

"I'm leaving," Justine told us as she started walking away.  "See you lot at the festival!  Except for Addison, bye then!"  She waved at us, then ran off towards the city by the pier.

Eventually, we all bade everyone good-bye and left.  I walked along the beach, with no desire of going straight home.  Everyone else was already gone, so I just sat down in the sand and looked out into the sea.  It was pretty dark out, so no one was in sight.

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