Excluded (Chapter Four)

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Chapter Four



My days of mourning on my vacation were coming to an end.  We were heading back to Harmony in our white boat.  I was leaning against the railing, by hair pulled back in a braid like it usually was.  Ha!  Take that wind!  My hair won't blow in my face if it's in a braid like it is now.

I watched the sea water gently splashing against the boat.  I thought about what I was going to do when I got back.  I would probably hang with my friends since I haven't seen them in five days.  We were almost home now, and I could see the faint outline of Harmony's shore in the distance.

I put my hand on the top of my head.  Hidden underneath my hair was my tear-shaped scar that marked me an E-Human.  Not many people knew of our existence.  Some of the people that knew thought we were amazing people and would be the start of a new generation.  The 'egg' of a new generation.  That's why we are called E-Humans; the E stands for egg.  Though, the people who hate us and want us all to die have another meaning for it- excluded.  They believe we should be excluded from all life on Alemika, not just in Harmony.  People like Anthony....

I wasn't going to end up like Amber.  I wasn't going to have the life sucked out of me by someone like him.  I completely refuse to die like that.

As the boat sailed ever closer to the shore, I thought back to the day this whole problem started.


"Amber, where are we going?" I five-year-old version of me asked as my older sister led me through a forest.  The trees here were huge, ascending farther up than some of the buildings in the city.

"I read about a beautiful plant called the weeping flower," Amber explained.  "That is where we are going."

"Oh."  I patiently let her lead me through the trees.  We were on a vacation with our parents and Chris.  Amber and I had sneaked out to see something, even though I only left because Amber told me to.

Finally, we came across a blue and silver flower that was about eight feet tall, the stem about one foot wide.  It sparkled near the top from the light shining down on it above.  It really was an amazing sight.  The petals wall waved inward, the edges a darker blue.  There was water dripping down from the petals, making it look like it was crying.  I guess that's where it got it's name from.

"It's a very rare flower, and I'm really happy that I found out about it," Amber told me.  She walked over and put her hand on the stem.  I followed her, standing underneath the petals.  A drop of water landed on my head and started to sting.

"Ah!" I cried out, putting my hands on the top of my head and running away from the flower to hide behind a tree trunk.

"Addison, oh!" Amber covered her face with her hands as a drop landed on her right palm.  She ran away from the flower, grabbing her hand with her other hand.  "W-what is this feeling?" She asked herself.

The pain didn't last that long.  I didn't understand what had happened, but when I heard Amber gasp I rushed over to meet the problem.  One Amber's palm was a tear-shaped scar a little smaller than a thumb.

"What's that?" I curiously asked.

Amber looked shocked, then she stared at the plant and slowly shook her head.  "I don't know."

We headed back to our parents and Amber showed her the scar.  My mom gasped and my dad looked amazed.

"You two found a weeping flower?" My dad asked us.  We both nodded.

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