Excluded (Chapter Five)

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I thought the song on the side fit Jayden's flashback.


Chapter Five


I woke up one morning to see the sunshine flooding my room with light from the window.  I sat up in my bed and stretched out my arms, yawning.  I had slept in this time, but I usually did anyway.  I got out of bed and slouched over to my closet to get something to wear.  My closet wasn't very large, but neither was my room.  I pulled out a white V-neck and denim shorts, then fixed my short brown hair.  I grabbed a bite to eat, then remembered that Addison would be coming back today.  I wasn't sure when though.

I needed to talk to Addison.  On the night of the festival, I had regained my memory.  I needed to tell her that, and she deserved to know exactly what happened to Amber. Oh Amber, I'm so sorry.  The memory of that night replayed itself for me.


Anthony grabbed Amber and suddenly everyone around me faded away.  I couldn't breath as I felt my feet leave the ground, but as quick as it had started it was over.  My feet were replanted on the ground and my vision returned.  We were standing in a dark hallway with small lights on the ceiling.  The floor was black and so were the walls.  I let go of Amber's arm as I took in my surroundings, then remembered the person who had led us here.

I quickly turned my head to face Anthony, who was holding on to Amber's other arm still.

"You came too?" Anthony asked, a little surprised.  "I only meant to bring this girl, but oh well.  If you were touching her then you would have came as well."

I stared at him, then looked at the frightened Amber struggling to pull her arm away from him.

"Let me go!" Amber ordered.  She kicked his ankle but he didn't seem to notice.  He pulled her down the hallway and she reluctantly followed him, still trying to make him let go.

"Wait!" I called, rushing up to follow him.  "Where are you taking her?  What's going on?"

He stopped by a door at the end of the hallway, opened it up, then let Amber and himself in.  He closed it on me, and I heard Amber call my name from the other side.  I tried to open it, but it was locked.  I pounded it on, but that led to nothing.  I turned around to lean on it, then noticed that there were other doors along the walls.  The were also black, so they had blended in with the wall.

I tried to open them, but I found most of them to be locked.  At last I found an open one, shoving myself in.  The room was dark and I didn't see any source of light.  I blindly felt my way through the room, creeping as quietly as I could.  My stretched out hands found a dent in the wall and that turned out to be another door.  I ran my hands on the smooth surface, looking for a way to open it.  I found a button, then pressed it.  Voila!  The door was open.

I was know in another dimly lit hallway.  I ran in the direction Amber and Anthony had gone in, slamming the door at the end open.  I was know in a large, spacious room with many lights on the walls and ceiling, which were still black like the rest.  I spotted a row of machines along the far wall and a large glass hollow sphere in the center.  I walked over to it, putting a hand on the glass.  The sphere was supported by four wires coming down from the ceiling.  I looked up and saw a hole inside on the roof of the sphere.

The hole opened, and to my displeasure Amber fell through.  Even though she was now right in front of me, there was no way for me to get to her.  Also, something told me that no good thing was going to come from this.

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