Excluded (Chapter Eight)

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Chapter Eight



I was very vigilant as I led the others to my house.  I don't know how the people from Kaeteh knew where we were, but whatever the reason, we need to be more careful.  We got to my house and I explained what was happening to my parents.

"We want to take the boat to Willow," I informed them.  My mom looked like she was going to cry.

"But, Addison.  You could stay here, we can take care of you!" My dad rejected my request.

"Please!" I begged.  I stood right in front of him, looking up at him.

"Addison please, we don't want to lose another child," my mom pleaded with me.

"Fine, I'll take the boat anyway!" I turned around, storming out of the room and outside.  The others followed me.

"Addison!" Mom called, but I didn't listen.  "At least let us go with you!"

I stopped.  Could they come with me?  I don't know...

"Well, I guess you can come, since it is your boat that I'm taking," I reasoned.

"I guess that is alright, it'll be like a vacation," my dad tried to make the situation sound better.

"I guess so," I said, continuing my way outside.

We all got into the boat, packing food and all other things necessary.  My parents went into the control room, starting the boat up.  The rest of us just chilled outside as the boat gently sailed towards Willow.

"It's kinda weird going to a different country with a different way of doing things," Jay thought out loud.

"Yeah, I guess it is," Adam agreed.

Willow was under the control of a royal family.  They were wonderful rulers, always thinking of the people and not making some stupid laws.  In fact, the heir to the throne, Prince Stephen, is almost ready to inherit the title of king.  He's nineteen and has to be twenty to be considered old enough.  He has a younger sister, Princess Liliana, and I'm pretty sure she is fifteen.

I leaned against the back of the boat as we sailed ever closer to Willow.  I closed my eyes, letting myself drift with the boat in a moment of wonderful peace.  I don't know how long I was like that, but I jumped when suddenly a hand grabbed my arm.

"Ah!" I yelled, startled.

"Addison!" Leon worried, running over to me and pulling me away from the edge.  The hand let go, gripping onto the side of the boat.  A guy pulled himself up and over the edge, standing there on the boat.  He had spiky red hair and was short, also really tan, like he had been laying in the sun for hours every day.

"Who are you?" Justine asked, narrowing her eyes as she looked at the new arrival.

"My name is Andy, nice to meet you all," he greeted, scratching the back of his head.  "My full name is Andrew, but don't call me that, please."

"What are you doing here," Jay asked him.

"I'm an E-Human, like you lot.  I decided we should all stick together, ya know?" Andy answered.

"Get off of this boat now!" Justine ordered him, pointing at the water below us.

"Hey hey, take it easy will ya?" He held out his hands in front of his face, trying to calm her down.

"You're a spy, aren't you?" Justine ignored him.

"What?  What could give you that crazy idea?"

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