Excluded (Chapter One)

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Hey!  Sorry if this is confusing.  Everything will be explained as the story progresses.  :)


Chapter One


"Amber!" I called out, spotting her standing on an area slightly higher than where I was.  I sped over to her and she turned around and saw me.  When I got closer I noticed how pale she looked.  I stood right in front of her, and she formed the largest smile her strength would allow her.  The smile didn't last long, however, and she immediately fell forward.  I caught her, bending backward a bit.

"J-Jayden," she managed to make out, gently hugging me with her head on my shoulder.

"Amber.  It'll be okay."  I hugged her back.

"I'm... sorry."  She then suddenly turned to dust, and I was left hugging air.  It wasn't really dust though.  I watched as the glowing specks that she had turned into flew away.

"No..." I mumbled in disbelief.  "Not Amber.  Not my best friend!"  I was yelling now, tears trickling down my face.

"You're still here, boy?" a disgusted voice said above me.

I looked up to see a man with short black hair staring down at me from the same area that Amber had been standing on before she fell, except he was farther back in a corner.  He walked towards me, and all I wanted to do was hurt him.  I wanted to yell and cause him pain.  I couldn't bring myself to move though, as the man that I loathed walked ever closer to where I stood.

I straightened my posture and glared daggers at him.  He only laughed.  Anthony. I thought with distaste.

"I thought you would have been long gone by now," he stated as he approached me.  "What?  Did you think you could save her?  Did you think that a twelve year old boy could stop me?  Her fate was already sealed the moment she came across the weeping flower.  Don't pity the E-Humans.  They all deserve to die!"  He stopped in front of me, standing in the same place Amber had been.

He jumped down to where I was, and I stumbled backward in fright.  I wanted to do something, but although my hatred was telling me to stand my ground, the truth was that I was scared of him.

He continued to walk forward and I kept walking backward.  When I bumped into the wall I knew it was over for me.  This guy, the one who had taken Amber's life, wouldn't let me leave without at least a scar for being here.

Anthony pulled out a black glove and slipped it onto his right hand, still moving closer.  When he was close enough, he put his right hand on my eyes, covering them.  I gasped, afraid of what he would do.

"Now, begone and forget, young child!" He commanded.

"No!" I yelled, reaching forward but he was already gone.  Everything was gone.

I was falling, stuck in a cocoon made from darkness.

I couldn't, just wouldn't, leave her like this.  Wait, have I already forgotten her death?

My hand still reached out in front of me, I called out the last thing I could remember, before it was all lost.


.:::Five Years Later:::.

"Hey, Jay, are you even paying attention to me?" A now annoyed girl asked with her arms folded. 

Me and her had been walking along the shore of the sea, but she had stopped when she noticed my not-listening-face.

"Huh?  Sorry, I was daydreaming," I honestly replied.

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