Excluded (Chapter Twelve)

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Chapter Twelve



We made our way back to the boat.  It didn't take long to find it.  No, getting there wasn't the problem.  The problem was what to do when we got there.  Other boats had docked near mine and by the looks of them, I don't think the people on them are too friendly.  They were wearing the Kaeteh uniforms and were patrolling the abandoned village.  I couldn't see the old man from earlier.

"Do you think they've inspected your boat?" Justine asked me.  That got me worried.  I hadn't even thought of that!

"I've got to check," I replied, creeping through the trees 'till I found a safe place to leave without being spotted.  I ran quietly towards my boat when I lost the cover of trees.  Fortunately, no one noticed me.  Adam and Justine stayed behind.

I reached my boat and climbed on board.  I entered the control room and found no one.  Slightly panicked, I checked the inside down by the bedrooms.  I breathed a sigh of relief when I found them sitting on one of the beds.

"Addison, what are you doing here?" My mom asked, surprised.

"I decided that you guys should come.  By the looks of the village now it doesn't seem like we should be here."  I threw a nervous glance at the door at the top of the staircase.  I was frightened by the kaeteh people, even though I could use my power to get away from them.

"Well, then let's hurry up, some strange people have showed up."  My dad nodded in agreement at my mom's words.  I made a motion for them to come, and they obediantly followed me.  It was strange to be ordering my parents around, but what happens happens.

When we got outside, still on the boat, I turned my head in both directions.  So far so good.  I made the same motion again as I left the boat and darted for the trees where Adam and Justine should be waiting.  They were in the same place that I had left them in.

"Good, you weren't spotted," Justine said through a relieved smile.  "Now we need to catch up with the others."

"Maybe we should spy on them," Adam suggested, his eyes glued to the back of one of the men.  "Maybe they know where Anthony is."

"Yeah, but we don't know for sure if he is working with kaeteh or not.  Besides, it's possible none of them know," Justine reminded him.

Adam looked down.  "It was just a thought."

Justine put a hand on his shoulder.  "We should go now."

"I agree," I said.  I looked at my parents.  Did they know the full story?  I can't remember what I had told them.


As we walked on I filled my parents in on anything I hadn't told them.  Now that they knew of our full situation, there was one thing left to do.

"Where's the branch you turned to metal?" Adam asked, his voice sort of whiny.

"I don't know.  We'll find it," Justine reassured him.  He didn't look too convinced.  I had to agree with whatever Adam was thinking.  Splitting up hadn't been the best idea.  It would have been better if we had all left in the first place; If we had then we wouldn't have to go back.

I heard a twig snap behind me and looked back in time to see Adam slammed into a tree by what appeared to be nothing.  I knew better than that though.

"Show yourself Andy!" I called out to him.  He answered my request by appearing in front of me.  I backed away from him, not enjoying being so close.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2011 ⏰

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