Excluded (Chapter Seven)

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Chapter Seven


"I found you,"  voice behind us said.  I turned around to see Chris standing there, stretching.  "I've been looking for the whole lot of ya."  He indicated a Justine and Adam behind him, whom I just noticed were there.  "They made me track you down."

"Thanks Chris," Justine thanked him before happily walking over to us, swinging her arms back and forth.  Adam followed her.

"You kids," Chris muttered, then turned around to jump in his hover-ship which he had used to get here.

"Wait, Chris!" I called out to him, remembering something.

"Yeah?" Chris replied, stepping into his hover-ship.

"Um, Leon's gonna stay with us.  I'll explain later."

He looked a little confuse, but nodded anyway.  "Alright then.  C'ya later."  With that, he flew away.

Justine looked at me.  "Why is Leon staying with you?" She asked, her head cocked to her left.

I explained to her and Adam about what had happened earlier with Leon's mom and Anthony.  I was also about to tell them how Amber had died, when Addison stepped in.

"I'll tell them.  You already had to repeat it twice," she offered.  She looked at me and I nodded.  If she wanted to go over it with them, then she could.  I really didn't want to explain it again anyway.

I barely listened as she went over it all with them.  I just looked out as the rain clouds moved above us.  I waited a few more seconds, then felt the first rain drop on my head.  I shook my hair, then walked towards the city.  I stopped, turning around and saying "We should go inside somewhere, it's starting to rain."

"Yeah, I'll finish later," Addison agreed, stopping the story.  We all walked towards Shane's place, which was the closest to where we were.  Shane lived with his older brother, Mark.  His parents had died a long time ago, but he had never told us how.  He was only five when that had happened.  Ever since then, Mark had looked after him.  Mark was twenty-three, making him six years older than Shane.  Mark also knew about E-Humans.

When we got to Shane's place, we were all pretty drenched in water.

"Couldn't you have stopped time so we could get here without getting wet?" Adam complained to Addison.

"I can't stop time.  I can only mess with someones sense of time.  Last time I checked, the rain wasn't alive," Addison reminded him.

"Well... doesn't any of you have a power that could have prevented us from getting wet?"  Adam continued to find someone to blame as we all entered Shane's house.  It was a small house, only consisting of two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, dining room, and a living room.  There was also a basement, but we never went down there.

"No, none of us do," Justine told him.  "Amber could have made a shield, but she's not here right not, now is she?"

"Hmph, I just didn't want to get wet," Adam folded his arms looking very annoyed.

"Who's there?  Shane?" A voice said from behind a door.  The door opened and Mark walked out to greet us.  He was rather tall, though, unlike his brother, he worked out.  Shane didn't work out much, leaving him a little scrawny.  Mark had short straight black hair that was usually untidy like it was now.  He wore a tight dark shirt with baggy denim pants on.

"Hey Mark," Shane greeted his older brother.  "Rain," he pointed outside.  "Wet," he pointed to his clothes.  "shelter," He pointed to the roof.  "us," he waved his hands around us.  "here." He pointed at the ground.  So basically, he said "Rain, wet, shelter, us, here."

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