Chapter One: The BS1

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Team Forces just got back from, yet again, another fight with another corrupted villain.

Espio: Who the hell keeps causing these corruptions?!

Tails: First we had to fight Prisma as Ursula, next we had to fight Rouge as Fashion Freak and then we had to fight Dawn as Verfere!

Amy: Don't worry about it, you guys! Like I said before, whoever is causing all of these corruptions, if we all stick together, we'll find out who it is and bring them to justice! [Walks over to the front porch, and then sees a box near the door] Huh? What's this doing here? [Picks up the box] Did anyone order anything recently?

Knuckles: Nope.

Espio: Nuh uh.

Amy: Weird.

Tails: Maybe we won a contest or something.

Amy: But we didn't even enter a contest. [Sees Kat on top of her limo while her henchmen were driving at full speed as she jumps off] 

Kat: Thanks! [Walks over to Team Forces] Guess who just got a chance to enter the Mega Minisorient Music Festival! This girl!

Charmy: That's awesome, Kat!

Kat: I need you guys to help me make up a new song!

Vector: Why can't you just use one of your other songs, Kat?

Kat: I can, but I want something inspiring! I want something original! I want something world-changing! So, will you guys help me?!

Amy: Will help you in a little bit, Kat! Someone sent us an anonymous package!

Kat: [Reads the sticker on the package] To Team Forces, From Mysterious. Who names themself mysterious? I don't trust it.

Charmy: Maybe it's a birthday present to one of us.

Espio: But it's not even close to our birthdays.

Vector: Let's just take it in. After all, it is a free package meant for us. [Takes the package from Amy and walks into the headquarters]

Kat: Can I come in?

Espio: Sure. We can help you make a new song later.

Kat: Yay! [Walks into the headquarters with Team Forces]

Cut to Team Forces and Kat in the headquarters.

Charmy: What's in the box?! What's in the box?!

Espio: Let's open it and find out!

Amy: [Opens up the box to see a BS1 in the box] A BS1?

Tails: Aren't those sold out everywhere?

Amy: I think so. Whoever got this must've traveled a lot to find it.

Knuckles: [Looks inside the box and sees that there was no games for the BS1] The BS1 doesn't even come with any games.

Charmy: Maybe there's some downloaded games already on the BS1.

Amy: Let's plug it in and find out. [Plugs in the BS1 and it starts up, reveiling one downloaded game] It's just one game.

Vector: It says that it's a five in one.

Charmy: Do you think we can play the game, Amy?!

Amy: I guess. Hey Kat, can you go get us some snacks please?

Kat: Alright! [Walks into the kitchen to get some snacks as Charmy starts up the game]

Tails: [A screen shows that says something and then he reads it] Warning! The following game that you're about to play contains virtural reality and imprisonment in the game! Are you sure you want to continue? Are you sure we should be playing this game?

Charmy: I bet it's just that game that just tells you that to make you more excited to play it!

Tails: If you say so. [Charmy chooses yes on the screen as it goes to the loading screen and then goes to the starting screen. Charmy starts the game]

Charmy: Alright! Let's play!

Game Operator: Beginning game teleportation.

Charmy: What? [Seven beams then shoot out of the TV and they hit Team Forces]

Knuckles: What's going on?! [The team all get teleported into the game.

Team Forces Adventures: Spirit: Music Battle: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now