Chapter Three: Bopeebo, Fresh and Dadbattle

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Vector was at Dearest Studio talking to one of the security guards so he could get in.

Vector: I would like to have a talk with Mr. Daddy Dearest, please!

Security Guard: Do you have an appointment with Mr. Dearest?

Vector: No.

Security Guard: I'm sorry, sir. We can't let you in if you don't have an appointment with Mr. Dearest.

Vector: But this is important!

Security Guard: I don't care if you're on fire or if you have coronavirus! No appointment means no entry!

Vector: [Angry] You better let me in there right now!

Security Guard: [Angry] You need to leave before I call the police!

Vector: [Angry] You know what?! Fine! [Stomps away] I can't believe they wouldn't let me in all because I don't have a scheduled appointment! Why do they even do that nowadays?! [Sees a black hat, a black cloak and a pair of black sunglasses in a nearby recylcing bin] That's it! [Walks over to the recylcing bin and puts on the outfit] This well be perfect! [Notices that the outfits smells like trash] Ugh! Minus the smell of course.

Cut to Vector in his disguise talking to the Security Guard.

Security Guard: Can I help you, sir?

Vector: [In a disguised voice] I would like to have a talk with Mr. Daddy Dearest, please!

Security Guard: Do you have an appointment with Mr. Dearest?

Vector: Yes.

Security Guard: Very well then. You can go in now. [Moves out of the way to let Vector in]

Vector: [In a disguised voice] Thank you, kind sir. [Walks into Dearest Studio and then when the security guards weren't looking, he took off the outfit] Now where is Daddy Dearest? [Sees a manager talking to someone]

Manager: Mr. Dearest, your next show is in one hour.

Daddy Dearest: Great. Let's hope that this time, I'll actually get noticed!

Vector: Bingo! [As the manager left, Vector walked over to Daddy Dearest] So, you're Daddy Dearest, aren't you?

Daddy Dearest: [To himself] Great. Another fan. [To Vector] Who are you and what do you want?

Vector: Name's Vector! Detective Vector the Crocodile! And I'm here to battle you, Daddy Dearest!

Daddy Dearest: [Smugly] Oh kid. If you actually knew me, you would know that you're not gonna beat me even if you try! But if you wanna lose so badly, then fine! If you lose, you might possibly get killed, but if you win, I'll give you this! [Shows Vector the Portal Ticket]

Vector: [Determined] That's a BET!! I'll suplex you, old man! You ain't ready for this problem!! I am gonna funk you up so bad that you'll...

Daddy Dearest: I meant in a singing battle, you idiot.

Vector: Oh. Well in that case, I'm one of the hottest singers out right now. I'll help you get with the times, old man!

Daddy Dearest: I might not look like it, but I'm much younger than I look! Now put your mic where your yapper is, croc!

Vector: Alright! Don't go too hard, you might get an aneurysm.





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