Chapter Nine: Spirit Attacks

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After being corrupted into Spirit, Senpai now had the form of a grotesque floating red face surrounded by a darker red aura. He had an evil grin on his face as her sent out several red beams to take control of everyone.

Cut to Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

Girlfriend: Hey Boyfriend. How are you feeling?

Boyfriend: I'm feeling a little bit better. Still not feeling the best, though.

Girlfriend: I'm sorry, but I called the docter and he said that you should be better by tomorrow. [Sits down on Boyfriend's bed and they both hold hands. Suddenly, the beams appear and they get shot by them. There eyes turned red and they stood up, signaling that Spirit took control of them]

Cut to Daddy Dearest.

Daddy Dearest: I can't believe that Crocodile would humiliate me in front of everyone. [His manager walks in]

Manager: Mr. Dearest, the show's about to start. [As Daddy Dearest was walking towards the stage, the beams appear and he and his manager get shot by them. There eyes turned red, signaling that Spirit took control of them]

Cut to Skid, Pump and Lila.

Lila: Hey kids. Did you have a fun night out?

Skid: Yeah!

Pump: We met some new friends!

Skid: And we taught them the Spooky Dance!

Lila: For Spooky Month?! [The three of them start doing the Spooky Dance. Suddenly, the beams appear and they get shot by them. There eyes turned red, signaling that Spirit took control of them]

Cut to Pico, Nene and Darnell at the bar.

Darnell: Are you sure you wanna do this, man? [Sees that Pico was getting ready to send a love poem to Kat]

Pico: Yes I am.

Nene: Don't come crying to us when you get rejected. [As Pico was about to send Kat the love poem, the beams appeared and they and the rest of the bar got shot by them. Everyone's eyes turned red and they stood up, signaling that Spirit took control of them]

Cut to Mommy Mearest.

Mommy Mearest: [Sipping on a cocktail] I'm so glad that white hedgehog thing is leaving me alone now. He's was pretty annoying. [Suddenly, the beams appear and she and her henchmen get shot by them. There eyes turned red and they stood up, signaling that Spirit took control of them]

Cut to Team Forces.

Amy: So, how did you guys get along with your rivals?

Vector: I fought an ex rockstar, and won!

Tails: We fought some very energetic kids!

Charmy: And they taught us a new dance!

Knuckles: I gave some ginger dating advice!

Espio: Since when did you start giving out dating advice?

Silver: I thought this pretty hot woman. She tried to seduce me and almost killed me. {THey suddenly see the beams shooting towards them]

Tails: What are those things!

Vector: I don't know, but they're heading towards us!

Charmy: We need to take cover!

Amy: [Points at a nearby lake] The lake, quick! [Team Forces all run to the lake]

Team Forces: Power up! [They activate their sea forms as they dive into the water]

Amy: We should be safe here! [Hears something]

Spirit: [Evilly] Listen up, everyone! My game was gonna rot away, but now it isn't, beacause from now on, you all are under my control!

Amy and Espio: Senpai?

Spirit: [Evilly] All singers, report to Hating Simulator Highschool immetiately! [Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Skid, Pump, Daddy Dearest, Mommy Mearest and Pico all begin to walk over to Hating Simulator High]

Amy: Oh no!

Espio: We have to go stop Spirit! [They all swim out of the water and detransform from their sea mobian form and they run over to Hating Simulator Highschool]

Team Forces Adventures: Spirit: Music Battle: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now