Chapter Eight: Senpai/Spirit Corrupted

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Senpai: [Angry] I do have a soul! My game will never rot away! And I'm not giving neither of you these Portal Tickets! I don't even like Amy anymore!

Amy: [Sternly] We had a bet, Senpai, and you lost! [Takes the Portal Tickets from Senpai] So we'll be leaving now!

Espio: Come on, babe! [Him and Amy walk away as Senpai stares at them angerly]

Senpai: [Angry] I can't have my game rotting away! I need to do something!

Cut to Infinite!

Infinite: [Evilly] I knew I wouldn't be disappointed! Corrupt his pixelated heart!

Cut back to Senpai. 

Senpai: [Had angry tears in his eyes as the corruption flies into his microphone, corrupting him]

Infinite: [Evilly] Spirit! Your game is gonna rot away soon! That can't happen, right?!

Senpai: [Angry] No it can't!

Infinite: [Evilly] In that case, you will become a spirit remembered by everyone, because you'll make them your slaves. In return for your new powers, you have to get Team Forces medallions from them!

Senpai: [Evilly] Thank you for this! Don't worry, I'll beat up Team Forces for you and get their medallions, [Stands up] And it won't be so E for Everyone! [Transforms into Spirit]

Team Forces Adventures: Spirit: Music Battle: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now