Chapter Twelve: Kat's New Song

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Meanwhile at the Team Forces Headquarters, Kat was still waiting for the team to get back. Suddenly, the TV lit up and out popped Team Forces.

Kat: [Shocked] Guys?! Were you in the TV?!

Tails: It's a long story.

Kat: [Sees that the game was fixed] The game's fixed! Now I can play! [She was about to play the game]

Amy: No! [Runs over to the BS1, unplugs it and threw it out the window]

Kat: What did you do that for?

Amy: Also a long story.

Kat: Anyway, I just figured out what my new song should be! [Pulls out a guitar and begins to sing]


🎶Wake up in the morning,
Sun shining on your face!
Turn all the dirt from yesterday,
into an elegant grace!

Go downstairs and bake some cupcakes,
put on your favorite icing!
Get the sprinkles as your toppings,
and now you'll never stop singing!

We can be happy, happy, happy if we try!

We can be singing, singing, singing and not know why [Continues to sing in the background]

Vector: You know what? Today might've been chaotic, but that doesn't mean we can't be happy.

Cut to Infintite.

Infinite: [Evilly] Musicians really do have senitive emotions. It won't be long until Kat becomes angry so I can corrupt her, and once I do, Team Forces will surender and they'll have to give me their medallions. Once I have them, I'll be unstoppable! Ahahahahahahaha!

💖To Be Continued💖

Team Forces Adventures: Spirit: Music Battle: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now